22. Missing You

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--R/N's Pov--
You ran to Phil's car tears rolling down your cheeks. Dan opened the door trying to catch up to you. You looked at him in anger and fear. You ran away. You passed Phil's car as Phil got out and ran after you. "R/N! Wait!" Phil gasped. You ran passing cars and stop signs. You looked past your shoulder Dan had stopped and stared at you. Phil was gaining. You had a sudden surge of energy run through your body. You sprinted to an alley and quickly hid from Phil. "R/N I just want to talk." Phil said. You burst out crying. Phil turned and ran into the alley and crouched beside you. "What happened?" He asked. "He c-cheated." You stuttered. You bawled into Phil's chest. "I don't want to ride home with him." You stated your body shaking with sobs. You stopped crying. "Don't tell Dan I was crying." Phil promised he wouldn't and walked you to the car. Dan was silent and sat in the back seat waiting for you to join him. You ignored him and sat in the front seat. The car ride was silent and not the good kind. When Phil pulled up to the apartments You stepped out of the car and walked to the lobby. You went in the elevator with Phil and Dan followed. When we reached our floor Phil went in his apartment and Dan held their door open for you. You ignored him and unlocked your door. You hadn't been to your apartment in awhile but you wanted to go to bed right now. You put on an old black hoodie and gray sweatpants. You curled up in a ball and drifted into a deep uncomfortable sleep.

--Dan's Pov--
I laid in my bed wide awake. R/N was next door in her room. I felt horrible I had given up the one I loved. I drank too much. I was lost I thought Peej was taking her away from me. I'm so pathetic. What is wrong with me? I hate myself. I will make it up to her I thought. I looked over to the wall separating R/N and I. We used to knock on the wall to send secret messages to each other. They were mostly "I love you." I rapped on the wall then stopped. I completely zoned out I forgot what I'd done. I heard her get up and move around then it was silent. I rolled over and shut my eyes squeezing them tighter by the second to prevent bawling. My plan failed.

--Megan's Pov--
Joe left me. I mean it didn't really matter. I decided friends was the best for us. I am going to see R/N tomorrow. I hope Dan and Phil can tag along. I laid down in my bed and dreamt about Phil.

--Phil's Pov--
Tears rolled down my cheeks. I curled up into a ball on my bed. I tangled myself in blankets. I heard Dan do his secret code to R/N on the wall and then bawl. I hated seeing and hearing my best friend falling apart. R/N didn't deserve this either. Dan made a bad decision. I don't know if he was jealous of PJ or the alcohol made him cheat. No matter what I have to support both of them they are my best friends. I flashed back to when we first met R/N. I can't believe I was in love with her. She is pretty but she is more like a sister to me. Dan deserved her. Now I am uneasy about him being with her. He hurt R/N. Really bad. I hope when Megan comes over tomorrow we can start over. I regret what I've done and I have to make it up to Megan. I'll take her and R/N out to a day at the mall they would like that.

--R/N's Pov--
You woke up hearing rapping on your wall. You burst into tears and ran out into the living room. You were angry and upset. Dan being drunk probably forgot you dumped his cheating ass. He told you he loved you. You couldn't take it. You sat on your couch wrapping yourself with blankets shuddering with warm tears trickling down your face. A knock on the front door arose to your ears. You tiptoed to the peephole and looked into the hallway. Phil was standing at your door looking at the ground with puffy cheeks. He had been crying. You were still crying and he perked up. "R/N please let me in." You opened the door and collapsed in his arms. You cried for hours. Phil was there for you. Even though Dan is his best friend he was there to help you. You eventually turned on Netflix and binged on every TV show you could find. Before you knew it you fell asleep with Phil wrapped around you. He is like a big brother to you. You woke up but heard Phil crying. You acted like you were asleep and listened to what he was saying.

--Phil's Pov--
"I'm so sorry he did that to you." "You didn't deserve that." He wasn't fair." I said crying in between sentences. R/N opened her eyes and hugged me. "I heard every word." She smiled weakly. "Will you go to the mall with me today?" I asked her. She looked at me. She looked offended. "Phil... Dan just cheated on me. I can't deal with another relationship." She said looking at me with tears glistening in her eyes. "R/N you are like a sister to me. I don't want to go out with you. I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the mall and meet Megan there." I said clearing up the situation. "Oh my god." She said cracking up. "I'm so stupid!" R/N laughed. "I'd love to go." She said giggling.

--Dan's Pov--
I laid in my bed staring at my ceiling. I missed R/N. She occasionally slept with me when she first moved out of her parents house. I usually let her have the bed and I took the floor. R/N would want me to be next to her if she was cold. I need her with me. Her side of the bed is cold. Phil went over to R/N's apartment. He still isn't back. It's eight o'clock am. He left at four am. I got up and looked at my piano. It flashed me back. R/N leaned on the side of the piano. I was playing her favorite song: F/S By: F/B.

*favorite song by favorite band or singer*
She was singing every word. She sounded amazing. Of course she probably will never song again because I love her singing. She thought I was cute. She loved waking up next to me when I had my hobbit hair. After she finished singing she would kiss me. She loved me. I ruined our love and our friendship. Why the fuck am I so stupid? I don't want to do anything anymore. I stayed in bed shifting uncomfortably. My mind drifted off into an existential crisis but about my life without R/N. She was my everything. I let her go....

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