7. Movie night

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You slammed your hand down onto your alarm clock as it was ringing annoyingly in your ear. You stretched your arms out while yawning loudly. Images of last night began forming into your mind. The snowflakes falling, the frost billowing, everything seemed perfect until he left. You slid off your bed and trudged over to your closet and picked black jeans, white tank top, cream sweater and a timber wolf pelt vest. You draped a feather necklace around your neck, it tickled your cheek as You put it around your neck. You tied your hair into a messy bun and shut your bedroom door behind yourself. You walked downstairs as You smelled eggs and bacon sizzling on the stove. To your surprise there was no eggs or bacon on the stove it was on a plate with a note. The note read: R/N I went to work sorry I couldn't see you <3 mom. You smiled. She always thought of you before herself. You were rinsing your plate when a mysterious knock was heard on my door. You walked over and opened the door. "Hey R/N!!" Dan smiled. "What's up Dan!" You exclaimed. "Want to go out for coffee? Phil is still asleep." Dan laughed. You loved his laugh. "Sure Dan why not!" You laughed back. "Let's go!" He replied. You grabbed my Black bow Ugg Boots and walked out into the crisp cool winter air. Frost nipped at our noses and before we knew it both our noses were rosy red. The bell on the Starbucks door jingled as Dan held the door open for me. A barista with fire red hair asked us: "Hi welcome what would you like?" I waited for Dan to say his order. "Ladies first." Dan said politely. You rolled your eyes and punched him in the arm. He gave you a big grin. "I would like the pumpkin spice latte with chocolate syrup please." You asked. "Sure thing! For you sir?" "I would like a chocolate chip brownie frappé please." "Okay! It'll be ready soon!" The barista exclaimed. "Jesus Christ Dan you're acting like a white girl with a million dollars." "You better shut up I'm paying!" Dan cracked up. You were laughing so hard tears came to your eyes. We kept joking around till we heard the same barista call us over. "Have a great day! Oh yeah by the way you two are the cutest couple!" She gushed. "We're not dating." You said awkwardly. "Yeah I'd never date someone with a face like that!" Dan chuckled jokingly. You laughed. "I'd never date that loser!" You giggled. The barista rolled her eyes and said "Yeah whatever." We laughed as we sat down at a table. We chatted for hours until our coffees turned cold as frost. We left the Starbucks with warm insides and cold outsides. We walked down the snow covered sidewalk beside the icy road. The snow crunches under our feet as we walked in unison. As Dan and I walked into our neighborhood he stopped me. "You want to see a movie tonight with Phil and I?" "Yeah that would be a lot of fun!" You smiled. "Okay we'll pick you up at 5:00pm!" Dan returned the smile. "See you later!" You laughed. "Bye!" Dan shouted from across the street. You turned around and walked in your welcoming, warm, house.

--time skip to two hours later--

"R/N We have a problem." Dan said over the phone. "What's wrong?" You replied concerned. "Phil is sick." Dan said sadly. " Aww poor Phil. I can still come if it's okay with you." You replied. "That's okay with me!" Dan exclaimed. "So the plans are still on?" You asked. "Yep see you at five!" Dan said happily. You could imagine him smiling. "Bye Dan." "Bye!" Dan said. You hung up and placed your phone on your bedside table. You continued to play flappy bird as You sat at your desk. "Dang it! Only 15? Stupid bird." You raged. You laughed at yourself and checked your Instagram feed. "Nothing important" You sighed. You decided to pick out a outfit that would suit the movies. You chose a black skirt with a white top, black bag, tan Ugg Boots, and a black beanie that says stay cute with a white Pom Pom on top. You put the outfit on and walked to the couch downstairs. You sank into the soft bean bag texture and relaxed. You sat and scrolled through Tumblr waiting for 5:00pm. You heard a knock at the door. You walked over and opened the door. "Hey R/N I like your hat." Dan noticed the cute black bag. "Cool Bag R/N." Dan reached out to the handle. "I was going to say thank you but then I realized yeah it is too cool." You laughed. Dan chuckled "Let's go." We hopped into his car and we drove over the slippery road. We arrived at the Regal Cinema Center. Dan walked up to the ticket station. "Two tickets for The Gallows please!" Dan exclaimed. "Enjoy the movie!" The ticket lady exclaimed. "Thank you!" You said politely. Dan lead you to the snack area and you picked a large popcorn for you to share. "Ready?" Dan asked. "Yep!" You replied. As you walked to the theater you worried about the movie. You hated scary movies hopefully Dan does too you thought. You walked into the dim lit theater and found a seat in the middle of a row. Dan sat down next to you and held the popcorn. The previews were halfway done and Dan had almost eaten half of the popcorn. "Dan you ate half the popcorn and the movie hasn't started yet." "I'm hungry!" Dan laughed. You smiled at him as he popped a piece of the buttery popcorn in his mouth. "Want to catch one?" He chuckled. "Hit me with your best shot!" You said laughing. By the time the previews were over a few pieces of popcorn fell on the ground. You leaned over to pick them up. You and Dan were reaching for the last piece at the same time. Dan picked up the pieces but you brushed hands and you ignored it and sat back for the movie.

--time skip--
The whole audience screamed of terror of what was on the screen. A bloodied face appeared on it and was laughing evilly. Dan was interested at the ending. You were about to pass out of fear. The last jump scare was the last victim with their gruesome death. You grasped for anything to squeeze. You grabbed Dan's hand and squeezed it with terror. He looked at you and smiled. You were too caught up by the ending to notice. Dan tightened his grip on your hand at the end and let go. You stood up and started to shake. You were not scared anymore you realized how cold it was in the theater. Dan told you to follow him out of the theater into the snow. Dan walked to the trash can outside and shoved the popcorn bag into the can. You gathered up a pile of snow and hit his back. "R/N!!" He yelled. Dan hit the tree you were standing under. "DAN!!" You screamed freezing by the cold wet snow. He brushed you off and have you his wool jacket. Dan took his gray speckled scarf off and wrapped it around your neck. You smiled and said "Thank you Dan." "Well I did dump a tree full of snow on you." He laughed. "Let's go home." He sighed. He started the car and backed out of the parking lot. The winding road was slippery and icy from the snow. A eighteen wheeler was heading right toward your car with its headlights shining into your eyes.

--Dan's Pov--
I slammed on the brakes and swerved off of the road into a forest. I felt a cold hand slip into mine as we were spinning. I tightened my grip on R/N's hand. All I heard was busting glass, tires squealing, and a painful scream before I blacked out.

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