16. Truth?

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-play the song see you again during first two paragraphs-

--Dan Pov--

A Police officer walked into my hospital room. "Hello?" I said uncomfortably. "Good morning." He said strongly. "Do you know *Y/F/N?" He asked.

- *your full name
"Yes sir." I said shakily. "We found her." He said. "That's impossible she's dead." I sobbed. "Sir that funeral wasn't for R/N." He said concerned. "What?" I asked. "That was a cousin of Megan Patterson." He stated. "She's alive?" "Yes." The officer smiled.

- I told you nothing is what it seems!--

I smiled. I knew she was finally safe. I shut my eyes and relaxed into a deep sleep probably caused by all the pain killers.

--Time skip two hours later Phil arrives with Megan--

--Megan's Pov--

I walked up to the lobby check in desk with Phil by my side. I looked up at him as his soothing voice told the check in lady two visitors. He was the one for me. I could tell. I slipped my small hand into Phil's bigger hand. He looked down at me and smiled. "He'll be better today R/N was found." Phil explained. I nodded with agreement. We walked up the stairs to the fourth floor. As we turned the corner on the left a nurse walked in and held the door for us. Phil dropped my hand and walked in ahead of me. I paused for a minute and thought. What happened? Did I do something wrong? Maybe he doesn't like me. "Coming Megan?" "Yeah." I sighed feeling upset. "You okay?" Dan asked me. Surprised he was off laughing gas I replied: "Yeah I'm fine. How are you?" "Good." Dan smiled. "I'm only okay because R/N is okay." Dan sighed. "I'm glad you guys are safe and Phil was there to save you." I reached for Phil's hand. He pushed it away softly out of Dan's sight. "I heard Danisnotonfire needs to update more." Phil laughed nervously. "My Danosaurs need quality videos." Dan laughed. I stayed silent for the rest of the visit. Dan waved goodbye to us as Phil and I left. I sat in the car thinking if I should bring up him not accepting my hand. "I told you he was better." Phil snapped. "When did I disagree!!" I yelled. "I did nothing wrong Phil! I thought you liked me as a friend and cared for me!" I shouted breaking down. "Who said I liked you in the first place!" Phil argued ferociously. I bawled. My best guy friend or my crush hated me.

--Phil's Pov--

I looked over at Megan bawling in her hands unable to see me. I reached for her hand but pulled back quickly. I let warm tears trickle down my soft face. I wiped them off my cheeks and thought what Dan would think about me making Megan cry. I felt horrible but my feelings snapped and I took them out on her. I couldn't change what I said and now I made her upset. I stayed silent. I didn't have anything to say. I couldn't apologize. I drove down a long court on Mountain Street. I stopped at a beige two story house. Looking down at the steering wheel not Daring to say goodbye. Megan opened the passenger door grabbed her purse sniffed turned away and started to walk down her driveway. I watched her until she stepped inside the cream colored home. I sped off and traveled back to Chestnut Avenue. I turned down the smooth paved road and parked my car on the designated spot for Dan's car or my own. I stepped out into the cold winter night. I turned my heel and crunched through the snow into the lobby of the apartment complex.

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