3. Better

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I sipped my peppermint tea as I read The Fault in our Stars. I promised myself not to cry during this book, maybe I let a few tears slide. I was ordering a bowl of soup when I heard the most outrageous laugh ever. "Phil you always make me laugh at the worst times." A chuckle was closer when Phil lunged into me. "Hi A/N!!!!" Phil leaped into a hug. "Hi Phil. Hi Dan." I said calmly. "Phil your embarrassing me." Dan facepalmed loudly. Phil replied back. "Don't you embarrass yourself?" Phil said confidently. "You win this time." Dan laughed. I laughed "can you guys order already?" "Okay." They said. We ordered and sat down at a booth. It was a cold day we were shivering inside. " A/N are you okay?" Phil asked with a concerned look on his face. "Just cold." I shook. Phil started to take off his coat but Dan already had his off and wrapped around me. Phil glared at Dan and gave me his hat. "Better?" Phil asked. "Better." I said.

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