19. Hobbit

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--Dan's Pov earlier that morning--
"Your hair is shit." "I know you use your mom's straighteners but without them you would be screwed." "Seriously you look like a fucking hobbit." I spoke into the camera. "Try staying broke for a bit." "You know nothing about DIY and you're too weak to lift heavy things." "Just don't sell axes to children." Well I think we had enough of that." "Bye Internet!" I turned off the camera and cringed thinking about the past. I got up from my checkered covered bed and put my camera on my bedside table and walked downstairs. I saw Phil asleep on the couch. I decided not to wake him because he was so angry last night. As I walked to the front door I grabbed my coat and walked to the hospital.

--End of flash back--
"Who are you?" I looked at her and just about when I was going to let a tear slide down my face she said "I'm kidding Dan come here!" I ran over and she pulled me into a hug. My eyes sparkling with tears I didn't let go. "I'm okay Dan." She said calmly. I pulled away and smiled. I knew she was okay.
I knew right then and there I loved her and wanted to protect her but I couldn't let it show she only liked me as a friend.

--R/N's Pov--
You love him. He is adorable he was about to cry to know You wouldn't remember him. You want him to love you. You can't let it show he is just a friend.

--Dan's Pov--
I still felt guilty I took her to the movie that almost killed her. The crash was horrible. I was so glad Phil found me I wish he had found R/N first. R/N was beautiful I didn't want to admit it to anyone but I had to today. R/N was coming back to her apartment and I had to tell my best friend Phil. I didn't realize at the time that Phil was angry because I fancied R/N. "So are you taking me home?" She asked me with a smile on her face. "You are very smart." I laughed. I helped her up from her sitting position on the white hospital bed. I grabbed her suitcase and walked her out to my new black forester. I drove carefully down the road I didn't want to end up in the hospital again. At least the road was salted on this snowy day. I caught R/N smiling at me she quickly blushed and turned away. I looked ahead and saw snowflakes sprinkling down on the ground. "Well shit." I mumbled under my breath. "Daniel Howell! You don't use that language!" She said laughing. "Fuck, Bitch, Damn, Shit." I said mockingly. "You are impossible!" R/N laughed. "I'm already going to hell!" I exclaimed. "I can fix you up." She laughed. We pulled up to the apartments across the street from mine. And we both got out of the car. R/N jumped into my arms and almost knocked me over. She laughed and said "Thank you for everything." "No problem." I smiled. I held her tight. I didn't want to let her leave me cold in the snow. Her black converse shoes touching only on her tip toes she reached into my hair and said "Dan don't freak out but you're turning into." "A Hobbit I know." I interrupted. She smiled and ruffled my hair. And melted into another long hug. It was cold outside. I felt heat between us. I listened to her soft breathing and smelled her rose and ginger perfume crawling up from her hair as the wind blew. I loved her the moments when friends would be awkward at those times but we would be okay with it. I loved her for that. If I had enough confidence to ask her out I would let her call me Her Hobbit. ❤️❤️

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