45. The day.

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Y/N Pov
A few weeks later....
I woke up on my clean cotton sheets with Dan sleeping next to me. I ripped the sheets off of Dan before scaring the shit out of him. "DAN THE BABY IS COMING." "HOLY FUCK." Dan yelled awaking in less than .2 seconds. You laughed at his screaming and laid back on the bed giggling. "WELL LETS GO!!!" Dan yelled, freaking out over you laying down and not getting ready.
You laughed at him and said "Dan I was kidding. I just wanted to scare you." Dan sneered and fell back onto the bed. "I hate you." He mumbled. "I know." You said laughing. You got up and walked around the empty flat. You missed Winnie. She was staying with Phil and Kayla at Kayla's house. You decided to make breakfast for two and started to prepare pancake batter. After awhile of making the pancakes and bacon, you walked into Dan's room and saw him sleeping. You jumped onto the bed and woke him up again. "Y/N WHAT THE HELL!!" Dan mumbled in his morning voice. "I made breakfast." You smirked. Dan leaped up. "Thank you babe." He said kissing your cheek as he walked into the kitchen. You two enjoyed breakfast and stayed in for a day of Netflix and eating junk food. Dan was turning on an anime while you prepared chips and dip for a binge watching and eating day. You sat on the sofa in the lounge watching Dan lean back into the sofa and wrap his arm around you. Just like old times.

I've been really busy recently with school but I'm now out of school so hopefully I can update more!!
- Megan

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