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Dear Future Husband,
So remember that dinner I was telling you about? You know the one that I was dreading? It wasn't all that bad....in fact I'm planning on seeing Brandon on set tomorrow afternoon. We both decided that him being here was inevitable and we should at least try to be friends. So we are. Friends I mean. Just friends so don't worry I stopped loving Brandon Miller a long time ago. I can't wait to meet you and tell you all these stories in person.
Much love,


"Hey!" I waved to him as he made his way to security. "You wanna tell your body guards that I'm not here to kill you."

He laughed and waved his hands for them to leave. "Joe tell your men to take a break. She's with me."

They let me through and Brandon shooed them away.

"Sorry about that. They're a little over protective."

"Of course. They're protecting precious celebrity cargo a little southern girl could definitely get in the way of that."

This time he laughed and I was glad. We were lauging more these days just we did in high school.

"Brandon! Where have you been?!" A woman asked over dramatically.

"Katy this is Ashley Baxtor. My co-star for the movie."

"Oh babe....you're so modest." The woman cooed. "But I'm gonna need you to take your modesty over to the next scene."

I laughed and as Brandon mouthed a sorry I smiled and took a seat behind the camera.

"Alright scene 5, take 1, action!"

They both struck into character and I was amazed at the actor Brandon had become. He was great in high school. Always getting the lead in school plays, performing dramas, and even singing to random girls in the hallway. Him becoming an actor made everything surreal.

Ashley grabbed Brandon's hand and interwined her fingers with his. Watching that, watching them get close and romantic made me feel all the feelings I once did when we were dating.

The way he wrapped his arm around her waist and cupped her cheek with his other hand. The smile he gave her and the sparkle in his eyes that shown brightly as he brought her face closer to his and even though I kept telling myself to look away, to end this torture, I couldn't.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't look away so I just stared. Stared as they kissed and the romantic music played and the cast applauded and the director shook both of their hands and Ashley gave Brandon a kiss on the cheek and he hugged her tightly.

Still I couldn't look away. I couldn't come up with a single coherent thought that could end this mindless staring.

I needed to leave. I needed to end the torture. It hurt too much to watch. Even though it was acting it looked too real. Almost like they were really in love.

"Hey!" Brandon smiled jogging over to me. "Want to grab lunch at Kristen's place?"

"Uh..." Come on Katy say something. "Uh....yes. Sure! Let's do it. Let's go. I get a ten percent discount there because you know it's my sister and all but you probably don't need a discount being a celebrity and all and oh my gosh I'm babbling."

He just laughed. "Your cute."

"I'm sure Ashley's cuter though huh?" I blurted.

"Ashley? Sure she's....cute."

"So what is she up to today?" I asked putting more pep in my step.

"What? I don't know. I don't check her daily itinerary."

"Oh well you shouldn't leave her alone. You should spend the day with her."

"But I want to spend the day with you. I'll see Ashley tomorrow."

"Brandon, you should never leave a girl alone on a date night...."

"Thanks for the tip?"

"And you should never go to lunch with a girl that your girl barely even knows."

"Are you trying to tell me to date Ashley?"

"I'm not telling you. You don't have to get my permission. I think she's great. Yall are great. Everything's great. The whole world's great."

"Is the whole world really great?"



"Because you're dating a beautiful brunette who is madly in love with you and you're going to get married and have gorgeous kids that will also be actors and-"


"No really. It's true! Yall are perfect and I'm stupid for trying to think that things would be any different."

"Katy you're wrong."

"I'm right."


"How am I wrong?" I asked him now intensely frustrated.

"Ashley and I aren't dating."

"Your not?"

"No, we're not and I can prove it to you."

"How?" I asked as I crossed my arms against my chest.

I rolled my eyes and huffed at the thought that Brandon could "prove" to me that he wasn't dating Ashley. Even if they weren't dating they obviously had crazy feelings for each other.

But I was wrong....so so wrong.

How? You ask. Because standing in front Kristen's café Brandon Miller pulled me toward him and kissed me as passionately and as lovely as he did in high school and from then on, I knew that the words in my letter had been a lie. I never stopped loving Brandon Miller.


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