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Dear Future Husband, 

When we get married, please remind me who I am. Remind me that I'm loved and that I don't need anyone or anything else to define me. I'll do the same for you. You are wonderfully made with a purpose in this world and I hope that you've found it. As for me? I'm still looking. Searching for my ultimate destination in life. Maybe that's just with you. Maybe I'm just meant to be with you and live happily ever after. But I need to start taking my mother's advice. I need to stop worrying about who you are and let you come find me. I can't wait until that day. That monumental day that we'll get to tell our kids about. The day that we met. I'm so excited to meet you. I hope you feel the same.
Much love,


"Hey you! I didn't except to see you until tomorrow. Everything okay?" Kris asked me.

"Yea. Mmhm. Uh...actually no."

Kris finished wiping down a table and came to sit next to me at the bar.

"Spill." She nudged. "We haven't talked since you ended things with Brandon."

"Yea....well I've been keeping myself busy."

"Oh really? Doing what?"

"Writing my letters...and planning ways to make my own business and marketing center. Like where I can help people start up business like I helped you and Josh."

Kris gasped and wrapped her arms around me tightly. "Katy! That's amazing! You will be perfect at that job."

"I hope so..." I laughed. "Also uh...I met someone."

Kris gasped again but this time squealed like we were back in high school. "Tell all!"

"His name is Nathan Testa and he's new in town."


"Very single."

"Good looking?"

"Very good looking." I blushed.

Kris squealed again and I'm sure that a few customers thought we were crazy.

"Kris please, please don't say anything to mom. We only just met a week ago and even though we've talked a lot in the past week I don't know how I feel about him."

My sister took my hand and squeezed it gently. "This will stay between you and me. I'm happy for you Katy. You deserve this."

I was happy for me too. I finally saw myself starting over like I said I would when I got back from college.

"So I will see you tomorrow morning about expanding the shop and I'll have more news on my love life for you too." I laughed as I gave my sister a hug.

After catching up I decided to take a walk. Something I never did anymore. The town was so small that you saw the same people everywhere you went. People not only knew your name but your entire life. And lately I had been getting pity looks from most of the town. Others holding their tougues from saying I told you so.

"Going somewhere?" Someone called behind me.

"Nathan. Hi." I smiled and I bit my lip to keep from squealing.

He really was good looking. He was tall, probably about six foot seven. He had blue eyes, and dark brown hair and had a smile that could melt your heart.

"What are you up to?" I asked trying to be calm.

"Taking a walk in my new town." He answered simply.

"You haven't found your way around yet? You know it really isn't that hard."

He nodded. "You're right. It isn't. I was actually on my way to the mill. It's a great place to think."

I smiled and walked with him to the Senoia Mill. "What are you here to think about?"

"My new book. My publishing company wants a new novel by the end of the year so I have to get to work as soon as possible."

Nathan was an author. He wrote a few best selling books as well as a few children's books. I admired him on his diction and how he was able to speak with such grace just like he was reading you one of his books. It was beautiful.

"So have you thought of any ideas?" I asked him as we sat on the bench where we met."

"I have actually. Can I run it by you? See if you approve?"

At first I didn't know what to say, after all I wasn't an author nor a publisher so I probably wasn't the best person to run ideas by, but I agreed anyway.


"I thought about having the setting be here, in Senoia. You were right. The town is very small but because of it's size it also brings life and fulfillment to the story. It's a love story. Of a man who has lost his way and decides to move to a small town to figure out life. While he's there he meets a local girl here at the mill and they soon fall in love. Meeting at the mill everyday to talk, star gaze, and just share each other's company."

"What are you thinking of calling the book?"


My heart skipped a beat and I was so capivated by his voice and the way he spoke and his story that I just sat in awe.

"Do you like the idea?" He asked.

"I love's so beautiful."

Nathan smiled wide and I just stared. Stared into his infinite blue eyes and the way his jaw line clenched when he swallowed and the way his smile was so bright that it almost sparkled.

"Well, I should get going. I think I'm going to do some writing tonight. Will I see you here tomorrow?"

I shook myself out of my daze and nodded quickly. "Yes. I will be here..."

Nathan got up to leave and brought me up with him. "Until tomorrow Kathryne Webster."

"Until tomorrow...." I whispered.


*squeals loudly*

Ahhhh!! They're so cute!

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