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"Are you sure you want my mom to come down here?" I asked Katy unsure of the decision we made for her to meet us here at the Websters.

"Of course! It'll be great!"

"I don't know..."

"I don't understand why you aren't more excited about this. This is going to be the first time our families will be together. So really it's like a preview to what our wedding will be like."

"And the first real test to see if we're actually supposed to be married..."

The moment I said the words I wanted to instantly take them back. "I'm sorry." I said quickly.

Katy gave me a look that she was hurt by what I said and I quickly changed the subject to a more positive one.

"I'm sure everything will work out exactly the way we want it to. I guess I'm just nervous about my mom getting here."

"I'm sure she'll be fine."

"I hope so..." I muttered as I followed Katy to the kitchen.



"Do I have to go?" I whined.

"Brandon you make it sound like I 'm forcing you to go on a play date! Of course you have to go! This is Kathryne we're talking about."

I sighed and reluctantly agreed to go.

"Hurry please!"

I ran upstairs and quickly put on a nice button down and tie. Sprayed some colon, combed my hand through my hair, and was ready to go.

As I walked back down the stairs I stopped a moment and looked at my mother as she put in earrings. It reminded me of all the times she would go on dates when I was in high school. She would pace in front of the door awaiting the arrival of the promising guy and I would watch her as she either sprayed perfume or put her earrings on.

"You look beautiful mom." I told her as I came out of my daydream.

"Thank you, son."

I smiled and took her hand in my arm as we made our way up the street to the Websters house.



"Oh! Katy, Kim and Matt called saying that they would be a little late. It took them a little longer to get the baby ready."

I nodded and smiled as I remembered my older sister just being pregnant only a few months ago. Just as I had gotten engaged only a few months ago. Time was going by so fast. Soon everything would truly be changing.

"Oh! Also I forgot to mention that I invited the Millers..."

"Adilyn? That's fine."

"Brandon...as well."

I stared at my mom with hard eyes wondering if she was being serious or if this was a late April Fools joke. "Mom did you forget that this is my engagement party?"

"I understand that, but you and Brandon have been friends for almost your entire lives. And yall are still friends so it's only right to go through monumental times together."

"Alright. Fine. But just so you know mom, I'm marrying Nathan."


Suddenly the doorbell rang and I breathed deeply before I opened the door to see my mother, but not just my mother, Chelsea and Jon as well.

"Sorry man...I tried to stop her." Jon whispered as he walked in.

"Nathaniel!" My mom shouted and half the house stared at us.

"Hi, mom. Uh...welcome to the Websters."

"Hi!" I heard Katy say coming up behind me. "Welcome! So glad you could make it Mrs. Testa."

"Hello." My mom said shortly.

Katy wasn't even phased. She just continued to introduce herself. "You must be Jon! I've heard a lot about you. I know Nathan is honored to have you as his best man."

Jon smiled and they shook hands.

"And...you must be...?" Katy asked Chelsea looking at me confused.

"This is Chelsea." I interrupted. "A neighbor of my moms."

Chelsea got the hint and nodded shaking Katy's hand. Now that everyone had been introduced they scattered throughout the house and my nerves calmed down a bit.

"Mom..." I said pulling my mother to a corner. "Why is Chelsea here?"

"I thought you wanted to make things right with her?"

"I did. But over the phone or through a text would have been nice."

"Oh no! That is not a proper way to give an apology."

I rolled my eyes at my mothers traditional southern ways. Sometimes I wondered if her southern ways were mixed in between her mothers intuition.

"Just...just go say hello to Katy's parents please."

She nodded and I found my way back to Katy.


As soon as Nathan opened the door, I knew something was off. Katy didn't realize it but the way he got uncomfortable and uneasy made me question who the tall blonde really was.

"Why don't you go mingle?" My mom nudged as she made her way to Mrs. Webster.

I nodded and made my way over to the girl that was Nathan's "neighbor".

"I take it you don't do weddings?" I asked walking up to her.

"Tried it. Turned out we wanted different things."

"Hmm...I've been there. Just recently actually."

"Oh wow. I'm so sorry."

"Brandon Miller." I said sticking out my hand.

"Chelsea Staine. Wait...Brandon Miller? The actor?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Wow. I knew you looked familiar."

I smiled and we continued to talk.


"This is going great huh?!" Kristen asked handing me a drink.

"It's not bad..."

"What's wrong?"

"Who's that girl Brandon's talking to?"

"Oh Katy...please tell me we are not going down that road. Not today sweetheart."

"What? What road? I'm not going down any road."

Kristen took my shoulders and turned me in the direction toward Nathan. "That is the man you need to be looking at hun. No one else okay?"

I smiled and started walking over to my fiance. I guess I did need to start focusing. Besides, I would have to spend the rest of my life with Nathan.

Might as well start now...


Oh boy! Oh boy!

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