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Dear Future Husband, have you ever wondered what's next in your life? Wondered where you'll be in the next three years. I've thought about it a lot lately. My sister's have their lives figured out. Me, I don't. Maybe you can help me with that. I'd really appreciate it....
Much love,

"Hey little sister!" Kris called from behind the counter. "Glad you finally made it down here!"

I gave my sister a hug and smiled as she had my favorite drink waiting for me.

"So whatcha been up to?" She asked as she served another customer.

Kris had been wanting to talk more these past few days. It wasn't that we never talked, but we also weren't connected at the hip.

"I've been all over town trying to find a gift for Kim and the baby."

"Oh that's right! When's the shower again?"

"Uh...that would be tomorrow Kris. You forgot didn't you...."

She made a face but she wasn't fooling anyone. She flat out forgot.

"I'm sorry okay?! The shops been busy and it's tough when Josh isn't around." She pouted.

They were so adorable and I made a mental note that that's what I wanted in my relationship.

Need to be so in love that we miss each other when we're away and not excited to leave.

Which is a no brainer, everyone wants that in a relationship but it was so hard to find.

"How'd you know?" I asked randomly.

"Know what?"

"Know that Josh was the one..."

She shrugged and came to sit next to me at the bar. "I didn't know really until he proposed. This may sound horrible, but I didn't want anything to do with a guy until I had gotten my own business, traveled the world, and appeared once on television."

I laughed. "Television? Really?"

Kris nodded and put her left hand over her mouth to cover her laugh. Her wedding ring shined bright on her finger, and I absent mindedly twisted it around.

"One day you'll get yours." She said assuringly.

I wanted to believe her but I wasn't sure. I didn't date a guy for more than a month and than I was out. There was never a real guy for me.

"Well I have to get going....Kim's baby should be getting a special gift from her favorite auntie." I smiled as I gathered my bags to leave.

"Hey! If you find something that looks like something I would buy....feel free to pick it up!" She shouted as I walked out the door.

I laughed at my sister and as I pressed my back to open the door to leave the cafe, it was swung open by someone else and almost fell flat on my back.

"Oh my goodness....I am so....Kathryne?"

I looked up to see who I was talking to and saw the one person I never thought I'd ever see again in my life.


"Hi." He smiled as he bent down to pick up the things I had dropped.

"Uh...th-thank you." I coughed and I bent down next to him.

I couldn't breathe. He hadn't changed a bit except for maybe he'd gotten a little bit more muscular. Still his brown eyes melted your soul, while his smile took over ever inch of your heart.

"Wow." I whispered. "Wh-what are you doing in Senoia?"

"I'm here filming a new movie here. Besides....it's nice to come home."

I tried my best to smile. Tried my best not to punch him right in the face because I knew that that was exactly what he deserved.

"How long are you here?" I asked folding my arms against my chest.

"A month."

I swallowed hard and held my bag tightly to my chest.

"That's great."

He nodded. "Yea I'm hoping so...."

"Well uh....I guess I'll let you go. I'm sure you're busy."

"Actually...." He stopped me. "I was kind of hoping that you would have lunch with me."

I stared into his eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes....

"I can't." I responded quickly. "Kim uh...she has a kid. She's having a baby...and the showers tomorrow so lots to do." I rambled.

"Right. Well I'll see you around Katy."

"Yea...see ya."


Cast is up!

You're welcome ;)

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