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The kiss was wonderful.

Everything about her was wonderful. How did I ever let her go?

I asked myself that as we had lunch that day and as I went over to her house for dinner for the second time. I asked myself how I could've been so selfish as to allow such a wonderful human leave my life.

Kathryne Webster.

"You okay?" She asked me handing me a soda.

"Yea...uh I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"About you."

Her face blushed and I couldn't help but smile because that was the face that I missed so much.

"I'm sorry Katy. I really am. I don't know if I've ever told you that before."

"You have...just never in person. Never genuine."

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Your here now."

"Right. But what about when I'm not? I can't stay in Senoia forever."

Her shoulders shrugged and her face fell.

"I just thought that you'd want me to come with you..."

My heart sank. Kathryne in California, Los Angeles no less, would be horrific. Especially with my new contract coming out. I couldn't put her in the middle of all that drama with the press coming out with fake stories on my fake relationship.

"With me? To California?" I asked her coming to the conversation.

"Well yea. Wasn't that the plan all along? You were going to test out the waters and come back for me."

That had been the plan. Hints the word had. Kathryne wouldn't survive one day in LA and I wasn't about to drag her there. Not while her parents and I were just getting on good terms again.


"You don't want me there do you?"

She looked hurt like I had pictured her when I called her that day on the phone.


"No. You know what? How could I have been so stupid? Of course you weren't going to come back for me. Your here to do the movie and nothing more. The kiss obviously meant nothing to you."

"Kathryne I kissed you remember? I- I love you."

She stood with her back toward me and I cautiously wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you Kathryne. I always have and I always will."

Both arms were wrapped around her tiny waist now and I couldn't help but breathe in the strawberry smell to her hair.

"I love you too." She whispered. "I never stopped loving you. I couldn't."

I turned her around so she was facing me and I gently kissed her forehead. "Let's go back in. Don't want your dad coming out here thinking I was doing something I wasn't."

She covered her mouth with her hand and laughed. "No we don't."

I watched her walk back into her house and once I knew that she was safely tucked away, I texted my manager about business.

Craig, I can't do the contract. I'm in a relationship. A real relationship.

Well why didn't you tell me?? Brandon everything is already finalized.

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