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Jon and I pulled up to my mom's house in Atlanta just around five and I was shaking like a polaroid picture.

"Nathan, calm down..." Jon laughed. "It's just Chelsea."

"How can you say that? This isn't just Chelsea. It's the Chelsea."

"You do remember that you're getting married right? Like in a few weeks? Why is Chelsea shaking you up now? If anything you should be confident that you moved on."

"You're right. You are absolutely right. Okay, let's do this."

We walked up the steps and rang the doorbell to see my very excited mother running to the door.

"Nathaniel!" She smiled.

"Hi mother."

"Jonathan!! It's so good to see you. What brings you here?"

"I'm in town for Nathan's wedding."

"Oh. Right well of course."

I saw a hint of disappointment in my mother's eyes and it scared me. She should be happy for me but rather she was...sad?

"Chelsea is in the kicthen. Go! You two say hello!"

Jon gave me a pat on the back and we walked into the kitchen slowly.

There she was. Not having changed a bit. Chelsea Staine. The girl I almost married. Still beautiful, with her long dark hair, bright blue eyes and tall slim figure. Still the young woman that left me all those years ago.

"Hi..." She said slowly coming toward us.

I just stood there not able to move but thankfully Jon quickly stepped in.

"Hey Chels..." He smiled giving her a gentle hug.

He kicked my foot as he hugged her, jolting me out of my fog.

"Hi." I said not making eye contact with her amazing bright eyes.

Jon did most of the talking during dinner and even though my mom gave me hints that she wanted me to say something, I didn't utter a word.

Afterwards, Jon went to the guest room to get unpacked while Chelsea came outside to talk.

"How have you been Nate?" She asked.

"Fine. You?"



"Oh, come on...are you really going to give me the silent treatment for the rest of our lives?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Thinking about it."

"Nathan, come on...let's talk. Tell me how life has been. Saw you came out with a new book."

I saw my mother standing over the kitchen sink peering out the window to watch us talk.

"I'm getting married." I said forcefully. "I'm getting married to a wonderful girl named Kathryne and nothing you or my mother say or do is going to change that."

Chelsea looked shocked but laughed a little. "Wow. Uh...okay look, congratulations. I'm happy for you. But I didn't come here at your mother's request. I'm in town because my dad is sick and I came to get some advice and guidance from your mom. She told me that you were on your way and that I could stay for dinner."

"Oh...Chelsea I-"

"Don't. I can't believe that you would be so selfish to think that I came back just for you."

With that she went to her car and drove off.

I slowly crept back into the house only to see my mom standing in the hall ready to wack me with the dish towel.

"I'm sorry..." I sighed.

"You should be...come here." She whispered giving me a hug.

"How bad is it? For her dad I mean."

"He uh....he has stage four lung cancer. It doesn't look good."

I felt terrible. I tried calling Chelsea back but she wouldn't answer.

It was almost eight, and I had told Kathryne that I would be back in town after dinner, but it just didn't feel right to leave right now...I needed to fix things with Chelsea.

I quickly pulled out my phone and wrote a text to Katy....



Won't be able to be home tonight. Have to take care of some things here...breakfast at Josh and Kristen's cafe at 8?

I sighed as I mentally chewed Nathan's words. We hadn't seen each in a while and he has already broken two plans.

"Everything okay?' Brandon asked as he took another slice of pizza.

"Yea. That was just Nathan..."

"Oh...is he on his way?"

"Actually no...he had to stay in Atlanta tonight. Something came up."

Brandon nodded and for a moment I thought I saw him smile.

"You know Brandon, this has been fun but I should get going. Besides I'm sure Ashley will be looking for you..."

"I guess..."

"Well uh...thanks for tonight. It was kinda fun."

"Of course. Anytime Kate."

"Bye." I waved as I started toward my car.

I drove back to my apartment and pulled out the box of letters I was writing to my husband.

About five were now addressed directly to Nathan, but tonight I wondered if that was a good idea.

I twirled my ring around and watched the diamond sparkle. Marrying the man of my dreams was something that I had been wanting to do for a long time, now I wondered if we were rushing things...

I decided to push all of my negative thoughts aside and label it all as cold feet. Instead I took out a pen and sheet of paper to begin writing yet again another letter.

Today was a pretty rocking day for me. I spent it with Brandon instead of my fiancé and I'm wondering if that was a good choice. So many feelings surround my heart when I'm around him, but they do the same when I'm with Nathan, but in a different way...I haven't exactly put my finger on it yet. All I know is that you are the one, and I cannot wait until we get married.
I love you with all my heart,



This chapter was hugeeee!!

More drama to come hehe...

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