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I woke up feeling ten thousand different ways. I had just had the worst sleep of my entire life and I didn't know whether I should throw up or jump for joy.

It was my wedding day.

"Happy wedding day!" My sisters shouted walking into my room.

We had all slept over at moms house so we could get ready together and finish some last minute decorations.

"I'm so nervous...." I whispered as I held my knees to my chest.

"Don't be!" Kim smiled. "It's easy to get cold feet. Don't let it trap you."

"Kim's right. Everyone gets cold feet. You just have to control it." Kristen added.

I smiled at them and this moment that we were sharing. This unbelievable moment that if you told me a year ago I would be having, I would  have laughed in your face.

My phone buzzed and when I thought it would be a text from Nathan, I saw that it was actually from Brandon.

Happy wedding day! Happy for you Kate...truly am.

I smiled at his text and felt closure between us. The past was in the past, and we were moving on.

"Let's get you ready!!" My sisters shouted, interrupting my thoughts and the rest of the day was spent getting ready for my big day.



"Are you ready for this man?" Jon asked me as we got our hair trimmed and our facial hair shaved for the big day.

I didn't know how to answer his question exactly. Was I ready? I didn't know if anyone could truly be ready for a day as big as this.

"I'm nervous..." I admitted.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, besides this time...you have a girl on your arm that won't leave you."

My mind wandered back to my last wedding day...

I saw Chelsea shudder as the pastor began to speak. I didn't know if that was a bad thing, or if she had a chill.

No one knew just how nervous I was...my feet weren't cold at all, if anything they were sweating.

I instantly came back to consciousness when the pastor said my name.

"Nathan Alan Testa, do you take Chelsea Marie Staine to be your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you both shall live?"

I smiled at my beautiful bride and nodded. "I do."

Again I saw Chelsea shudder and she wouldn't make eye contact with me...

"Do you Chelsea-"

"No." She blurted suddenly. "Nathan I am so sorry...b-but I can't marry you."

"Nate? Are you alright?" Jon asked bringing me back.

"What if Katy walks out on me like Chelsea did?"

"She won't."

"How do you know that?"

"Katy loves you...I'm not sure Chelsea ever truly did."

I thought about his words and let the anxiety subside further away from my mind, as I continued to focus on getting ready for my big day.



"What are you pacing the hallway for?" My mom asked as she came into the house. "You should be getting ready! I hope this isn't how you act in Hollywood."

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