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Ready for part 2 of the awkward boyfriend/ ex-boyfriend fiasco???

Lol here we go!!

First I'd like to dedicate this chapter to missionarygirl1 for being an amazing follower!!

Hope you enjoy the chapter!



I couldn't believe Katy had agreed to meet with me. It was like a dream come true.

I continued to text her details on where we should meet and we just settled on the office.

'You better make whatever you have to say quick. I have a dinner date.'

I smirked to myself and thought about the guy that she was dating. Come to think of it, it kind of looked like the guy sitting next me....

No....it couldn't be him right? I pulled up Katy's instagram and scrolled through her posts to see her current beu.

The guy in the pictures had longer hair and fuller facial hair than this guy. It wasn't him.

I sighed and settled back in my seat as he drove me the office.

"Take a left here." I instructed him. "Park around the back....that's where she's meeting me."

I watched as the guy tightened his grip on the wheel and drove significantly slower.

"Hey man....you alright?"

He looked at me as if I had woken him up from a daze.

"Uh...you know what? I don't think you should do this." He stated firmly.

I looked from my phone and turned to face him. "And who made you in charge of me?"

"Since I became Kathryne's boyfriend."

Stab in the throat. No. Stab in the heart.

I was riding in the same car as Kathryne's boyfriend??? Was this some kind of trap?? Did they both plan this to get back at me?

"Let me out." I demanded pointing to the door.

He locked the door and heaved a large sigh. "I'm sorry okay? You were in distress and girls were trampling you so I helped you out. I didn't expect you to go after Katy."

"This is unbelievable."

"In my defense...I did tell you my name. I thought you knew."

"I can't believe this is happening...can you just let me out at the entrance? I'm gonna catch a cab back to my hotel..." I mumbled in defeat.

"Yea...sure I have to pick up Katy anyway."


Kathryne ~

I couldn't believe I just agreed to meet Brandon here. After what he said to me earlier, I really didn't want anything to do with him.

Nathan would be here any minute too. What would he say when if he found out that I was talking to my ex?

Why am I talking to my ex?

I sat in the lobby of the main floor and shook my knee up and down as I waited in anticipation for either Brandon or Nathan to walk through those doors.

What I didn't expect was what I saw....

Two men walked up to the entrance together and talked for a moment before one came in.


"Hey babe!" He smiled waving at me. "You ready to go?"

I stared at him before responding, "Uh...yea. Yes."

Maybe I didn't see it right. Maybe Brandon wasn't just with Nathan.

Nathan took my hand and gripped it harder than usual. Almost like he was signaling to everyone that I was his. I didn't mind, honestly, I was fine with it.

"Hey." A strong voice called to us as we walked out the front doors.

I turned to see who it was, and indeed it was Brandon.

"Brandon...I-I can't talk right now. Nathan has his-"

"Nathan." Brandon said with a slight glare.

What was happening? Had something happened between them? Were they planning something?

"Go Katy. He really wants to talk to you..." Nathan sighed. "I'll be right here though."

I nodded slowly still confused and a little disappointed as he let go of my hand.

"Go." I said firmly as I faced Brandon.

"Okay. First, I want to say I'm sorry. When I left for California I thought I was following my dream. But really I was only following part of it. You are my dream Kathryne Webster. You always have been and you always will be. Your beautiful smile, your selfless heart, your joyous spirit, it's everything I love about you. And I do. Love you, I mean. I also know that that guy does too...." He sighed pointing to Nathan. "He's a lucky guy and I hope that he doesn't ever make the mistakes that I did. Ever."

I was so taken back by his words that I didn't know what to say. I had never seen him so genuine and heart-felt before. It was scary and beautiful all in one.

Brandon smiled at me and gave me a small, but kissed my forehead like he was savoring every memory we've ever had together.

I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him and hug him tight because even though I loved someone else, I loved this new Brandon.

"Goodbye Kathryne," he whispered. "I love you."

With that he left, gone. This time probably forever....


Brandon nooo!!! Haha

Tell me tell me whatcha think!!!

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Love love love yall!!!

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