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Harper POV:

When I got home from Riley's house I stormed through the front door. I want answers and I want them now.

I walked into the living room to find my dad on the couch. When he saw me walk in he smiled at me. "Hey Harper." he said.

"Is mom home?" I asked. He nodded his head. "She's in the kitchen why?" he asked.

"I need to talk to both of you. It's important." I stated.

"Talk to us about what?" my mom said as she walked in from the kitchen. She must've been cooking because she was drying her hands on a rag as she walked in.

"Every time I bring up Riley Sader Dad acts all weird." I stated. When I glanced between my parents they shared the same disgusted expression.

"You should stay away from that family." my mom spat.

"Why? You know I play soccer with her right? I see her every day." I said, my anger only growing by the minute.

"Do you know what her father lets her do?!" my dad spat with anger. "They let her run around with other girls! It's not right!"

My eyes started to water, but I wasn't sad. No I was pissed.

"You know she's my girlfriend?!" I screamed. "I'm gay dad!"

Both of my parents looked at me in horror. "This is why we moved away in the first place. We never should have come back!" She yelled at my dad.

"What do you mean?" I cried.

"When we found out about that kid we moved. You were around her all the time. We couldn't let her plague you with her confusion. We only moved back because you dated that guy Alex and we thought this wouldn't be an issue, but clearly we were wrong." My mother spat with disgust.

"No daughter of mine will be gay." My dad stated.

"Well then I guess I'm not your daughter." I said, fighting back tears.

"Get. Out. Of. My. House." My dad yelled.

I quickly ran upstairs to my room. I grabbed a duffel bag and stuffed it with random articles of clothing from my closet. I grabbed that and my soccer bag before grabbing my car keys and rushing out the door.

Harper POV:

I got to Riley's house and knocked on the front door. I probably should've called but no rational thoughts were going through my mind. When the door opened Riley's dad stood there. I expected him to show the same hatred towards me that he did at the funeral but instead his expression softened.

"I'm so sorry Harper." he whispered as he pulled me into a tight hug. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down crying, sobs shaking through my body. 

"Dad who's at the door?" I could hear Riley call through the house. I pulled back slightly from the hug to see Riley coming down the stairs. Her eyes locked with mine and her expression fell. She quickly ran over to me and took her dads spot. She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back so hard I don't know how she was even breathing. Riley was so much shorter than me that I had to bend down to bury my face into the crook of her neck.

I don't know how long we stood there but when I finally pulled back from the hug Riley's shirt was drenched with tears. "I-I'm s-sorry." I stammered. Riley looked up at me with the most loving look on her face as she cupped my face with her small hands and brushed my tears away with her thumbs.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." she said quietly. She grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze. "Why don't we go inside? It's so cold I think your tears might start freezing to my shirt." she said jokingly, causing me to let out a small laugh. How did she always know what to say to make me feel better?

She led me upstairs to her room and sat me on the bed. She wrapped a fuzzy blanket on my shoulders before saying "I'll be right back." and left the room.


Riley POV:

I quickly ran downstairs. I didn't want to leave Harper alone for too long. I was in the kitchen making some hot chocolate when my dad walked in.

"Is she okay?" he asked.

"I don't know." I said quietly. "She hasn't told me what happened yet."

He nodded. "I'm sorry for the way I acted towards her at Cam's funeral. I have nothing against her, she seems like a perfect girl for you. It's her parents I have an issue with." he said, his last sentence sounded bitter coming out of his mouth.

"Why is that." I asked.

He took a deep breath and he looked as if he was considering if he should tell me or not. "When you came out in the summer before freshman year, Harper's parents were livid. They didn't want their daughter anywhere near you. They tried threatening me to move us away but when I threatened to call the police on them they packed their bags and left themselves." he said.

I suddenly felt sick. Everything was finally clicking for me. Harper moved away because of me. Now that I was thinking about it, she was probably upstairs in tears because of me.

"Thanks for telling me dad." I said hastily before grabbing the now finished mug of hot chocolate and running back upstairs. When I got to my room, Harper was sitting where I left her glancing around my room.

"I love your room. It's so you." she said quietly. I stood there watching her as she examined every aspect of my room. She chuckled slightly when she saw the aerosmith poster on my wall. 

"I'm in love." she said, quoting my mistaken song lyric. I know she wasn't actually saying it to me but I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach. I could only imagine what it would be like to be loved by Harper Fields.

When I shook myself out of my daze I walked over to the bed and sat next to her against the head boards.  I handed her the hot chocolate and she offered me a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Then she started talking. The more she told me the more my anger grew. I couldn't believe that Harper's parents could be such homophobic assholes. How could anybody hate their own kid for something like that?

When she was done talking, she sighed. Her tears from before left trails down her cheeks. I reached over and gently brushed them away before giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek. 

"You're welcome to stay here as long as you need." I said. 

She smiled before giving me a soft kiss on the lips. "Thank you."

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