Life Moves Pretty Fast

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*4 Years Later*

Two days before the NWSL draft

Riley POV:

One of my favorite quotes of all time is from the Ferris Bueller's day off movie. It goes "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

I will admit that the quote is kind of corny and it's probably the most overused yearbook quote ever, but it's true. College flew by and before I knew it, I was walking across the stage once again to receive my degree.

Last week Harper took a trip up from North Carolina back to our hometown of Scranton Vermont. She said that she had some things to go over with her parents before the NWSL draft this week.

Now I'm going to Vermont to visit her parents. Not because I want to talk to them about the draft, but because I want to ask for their permission to marry their daughter.

Harper doesn't know that's why I'm going. I told her that our old high school soccer coach asked to meet with me.

"Why did coach Lawson ask to meet with you?" Harper asked.

"I don't know. Possibly to congratulate me for my number 1 projection in the draft." I lied.

"That's weird. He could just do that over a phone call. Do you want me to come up with you?" She asked.

"No baby it's okay. I can go alone. You shouldn't miss the team party this week just because I am." I added.

"I guess your right. I'll miss you the whole time you're gone though." She replied before kissing me on the lips.

So here I am at an airport in the boonies of Vermont just waiting for my dad to come pick me up. I didn't bring any luggage because I'll only be back for two days. It's already 1pm today and I board my flight home tomorrow at 8pm.

I had arranged dinner plans with Mr and Mrs. Fields tonight at 6. We are going to that sushi restaurant just for old times sake.

I waited for about ten minutes before my dad's car pulled into the pickup area of the airport. I tossed my bag in the backseat before getting in the passenger side door.

"Welcome home honey." My dad said as he kissed my cheek before putting the car into drive.

"Thanks dad."

"So what is this impromptu visit about?" He asked confused.

"Oh I just missed you." I lied.

"Riley Sader." He said sternly. He could tell that I was lying. "You didn't just plan a last minute trip to come see me."

I sighed as I turned to look at him.

"I came back to ask Harper's parents for her hand in marriage."

My dad smiled but he didn't look the least bit surprised.

"Oh really?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yes really? Why?" I asked.

"No reason. Let's just say I could see this day coming." He replied.

I shook my head with a smile. I think anyone could've seen this day coming. I mean, I gave up my dream school for her. Harper is my one and only true love.

"So when are you going to ask them?" He asked.

"I'm having dinner with them tonight at 6."

"Good luck Riley. However I don't think you'll need it. They love you."

"Thanks Dad."

At exactly 5:45 I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. Before walking in, I looked at my baby blue ford bronco sitting in the parking spot. Harper and I took that car everywhere. I missed driving it around.

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