Proving Yourself

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Riley POV:

I don't think I slept at all last night, my excitement about today's practice keeping me up. Coach was having us attend today's 5pm practice. Normally the team has an early morning practice around 6am that's either a lift or cardio day in the gym and then always a night time practice after classes. I honestly think that they don't invite commits to come to the morning practices because they don't want to scare recruits away with the amount of physical activity you really have to do.

I sat on the beds struggling to put my cleats on with one arm. I know I don't really need them since I am only participating in a handful of drills but I want to be prepared. Harper had just come back from the bathrooms and saw me struggling with my cleats. Without hesitation she walked over and kneeled in front of me, holding out her hands. Frustrated, I placed the cleat in her hand and she slipped it onto my foot before tying the laces. As she went to grab the other cleat she spoke.

"You know you don't have to do everything on your own. It's okay to ask for help."

"I know. I'm just sick of not being able to do things for myself." I grumbled. Harper finished tying the laces of the second cleat and looked up at me with a smirk. "So you don't like having me help you in the shower?" She teased. My face turned hot with a blush.

"I never said that." I said as I looked away from her. Even after all this time she still makes me nervous.

Harper laughed at my reaction before standing up in front of me. She placed her hand under my chin and gently turned my head so that I was looking up into here eyes. She leaned down and gave me a soft slow kiss. As her lips moved in time with mine I could feel the desire building up between us. I reluctantly pulled back from the kiss.

"If we don't stop now then we will never make it to practice." I said out of breath. Harper stood back up to her full height with a smirk.

"Then we'll just have to pick up where we left off after practice." She said before turning to leave the dorm room.

"No we can't we have to go to the soccer party!" I called after her as I quickly got up and chased after her. When I caught up she turned to look at me. "Why go to some party when I can give you the time of your life right here?" She said seductively.

I shook my head trying to get all of the unholy thoughts out of my head. "We can do that after the party but first, we have to actually go and get to know our new teammates." I replied.

We then exited the dorm building and started our walk towards the athletic facilities. The warm spring breeze blew through the air and you could smell the ocean. It was so peaceful, I can't wait to go to school here.

When we got to the stadium we scanned our temporary student ID's to unlock the doors. We walked down several hallways until we passed the door to the locker rooms and found the entrance to the tunnel.

It was like walking out onto a professional field. The tunnel was dark but the lights from the stadium poured into it. When we stepped out of the tunnel and onto the field, I slowly spun around to take it all in. I was surrounded by thousands of seats that would be completely filled on game days.

Being the center of attention to this many people used to scare me, but all I could feel now was excitement. After drooling over how fancy the stadium is like a typical freshman, I walked over with Harper to put our bags down by the benches before joining the girls in the center circle.

They all worked on their own stretches while talking and laughing. When they heard us approaching, their talk went silent. Thankfully Jamie noticed us and jumped up from where she was stretching to introduce us.

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