Liv Mason

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I apologize for how long it took me to write this update. I had a lot of tests this week with the term ending so it was hard to find time to write. I hope you guys find this chapter to be worth the wait. :)


Harper POV:

I've never woken up and been so excited to go to school. After the car ride with Riley yesterday, I started to have hope that we would fix our relationship. The fact that she was willing to talk to me was already a huge step.

I quickly changed into a nice pair of jeans and a cardigan. I wanted to look cute for Riley. Even though I'm getting ahead of myself a bit. "She just agreed to talk, chill out." I scolded myself. 

Now that I knew that Riley was going to be at UNC with me next year, I knew that our breakup was pointless. I still love her and I want to be with her. Hopefully she still feels the same.

I was an asshole to her when I found out about her offer to Notre Dame and I seriously regret it now. I should've been proud of her for getting into her dream school. I should've supported her instead of blowing up on her and ruining our relationship.

After getting dressed I went downstairs to have breakfast. Drew's parent's weren't up yet so we helped ourselves to some cereal. "Somethings changed." Drew said with his mouth full.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

He shook his head as he thought about it. "I don't know what it is but you seem less gloomy today."

I took a bite of my cereal and swallowed before responding. "When I was on my run yesterday and it started raining, Riley drove by and gave me a ride home. She said she wants to talk about us."

Drew nearly spit out his cereal in shock. He jumped up from his seat and held both arms up in the air, his mouth still full of food. He quickly swallowed before a giant smile spread across his face. "FINALLY!!!" he yelled.

"Drew be quiet, your going to wake up your parents." I said laughing.

"I knew it." he sang. "You two are meant to be together."

"Don't get ahead of yourself Drew. She just agreed to talk." I replied, trying to not let his words get my own hopes up. He just shrugged his shoulders with a smirk and went back to eating his cereal.

After breakfast I brushed my teeth and grabbed my backpack and left for school. In the car ride there I had music blasting through the speakers. I smiled and sung along to every song that came on the radio. 

When I pulled into the parking lot I saw Riley's bronco already there and my smile grew impossibly wider. I practically skipped out of my car and into calc.

She was sitting at her desk and looking down at her phone. The desk next to her that used to be mine was left unoccupied. I walked up to her with a nervous smile on my face. "Is this seat taken?" I asked when I approached her.

Riley looked up from her phone and gave me a small smile. "Well if it was up to me it is, but Chelsea may fight you for that seat." Riley replied. Chelsea was the girl I convinced to switch seats with me when Riley and I broke up. To be honest it wasn't that hard to convince her because Chelsea has this massive not-so-secret crush on Riley. Now I was really regretting asking her to switch spots. I groaned and muttered "shit" under my breath causing Riley to laugh. She must've heard me.

"Don't worry. I'll get her to move. Just for you." Riley said which made me blush. I quickly turned away so that she wouldn't see. When I turned around I saw Chelsea walking into the room. When she noticed that I was standing next to Riley she gave me a glare before continuing to walk over. Chelsea then took her seat next to Riley with a massive smile on her face. "What a desperate bitch." I thought to myself.

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