Communication is Key

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Harper POV:

I wish I could go back in time so that I could stop any of this from happening. I didn't know it then but I ended my relationship with Riley over nothing. I truly thought that she would end up going far away from me for college. I was scared that if she did then she would break my heart.

So I tried to breakup with her before that could happen but in reality? I just broke both of our hearts over nothing. If I wasn't so stupid we would still be together right now.

It's been a couple days since signing day. Riley had been ignoring me at school and I wasn't surprised. I tried to talk to her but she brushed me off every time. I get it, I did the same thing to her.

At first I thought that the whole ordeal at singing day was just some nightmare but the media confirmed that it wasn't. Riley's face was all over the font page of every newspaper and she was the first face you saw when you turned on your television. Everybody was talking about how the number one recruit turned down offers like Notre Dame and Stanford to go to UNC.

And everybody was speculating why.

After school one day I was sitting on the couch with Drew when the news came on. "Good afternoon Vermont! I am your host Bob Satton and here with me is my co-host Kevin Danvers. Today we will be discussing the recent commitments that were announced on signing day." Bob Satton said.

"Well more specifically Bob, we will be discussing Riley Sader and her shocking decision to commit to UNC." Kevin added.

Next to me on the couch Drew groaned. "Thank god I'm not a top recruit. I can't imagine getting all the media attention that Riley gets." Drew said. When I didn't respond he looked over at me and sighed. "I'm sorry. You probably don't want to talk about her." he continued. In the background the news anchors kept talking about different theories as to why Riley picked UNC. 

I wish I knew the answer to that myself.

"No it's okay Drew. I actually kind of want to talk about her?" I said uncertainty. His smile grew and he quickly hopped to turn and face me on the couch. He reached over and clicked off the t.v before turning his full attention to me. He laid down on his stomach with his knees bent so that his legs were in the air, swinging back and forth. He rested his head on his hands and gave me a goofy smile.

"Omg are we about to have girl talk?" he asked excitedly as he pretended to twirl his hair around his finger. I laughed at his silliness before responding. "Well I usually reserve my girl talk for Lexi but I guess you can participate for now." I replied. 

"Yes!" he exclaimed excitedly. "So whats going on with you and Riley?"

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Well before we broke up she never really told me where she was going to college and since I only had the one D1 offer from UNC, I was starting to get worried that we would be separated next year. I love her and I didn't want to be away from her next year."

"Hold up." Drew said interrupting me.

"In girl talk your not supposed to interrupt." I said sternly.

"Okay I'm sorry but this interrupting is necessary. Notice how you said that you love her and not that you loved her?"

I didn't respond. I knew what Drew was getting at.

"Your just proving my point." he said causing me to groan. "I know, I know. Yeah I'm still in love with her." I replied.

"Then you didn't have to break up with her in the first place. Trust me, I know Riley and no matter where you two may end up next year she would never break up with you. When Riley loves people, she loves them with her whole heart. Just think dude. She gave up her dream school and countless other good offers just to be with you next year and you guys aren't even together anymore."

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