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Harper POV:

On Friday, Riley dropped me off at Lexi's house to get ready with her, Grace, and Kylie for homecoming. Riley was going with the boys to get ready and they would come pick us up for the dance later.

"So Harper, how have you and Riley been?" Grace asked. Lexi was curling my hair for me and when I looked in the mirror, I could see her smirking. Lexi already knew all about my relationship with Riley. She's my best friend, I tell her almost everything.

"It's going great. I don't know how I got so lucky." I replied. "Aww you guys are so cute." Grace said as she smiled. "You don't even know half of it." Kylie said. "They already said 'I love you' to each other."

"Hey how do you know that?" I asked as Kylie laughed. "Just like you tell Lexi everything, Riley tells me everything." She replied. When she said that a small thought popped into my head.

"So you must know where she's leaning for college?" I half asked half stated. Everyone turned to look at Kylie, waiting for a response. The entirety of Vermont wanted to know the answer to that question.

Kylie pressed her lips into a thin line as she thought about what to say. I could tell she knows the answer but was debating whether she should say it or not. "All I can say is that she's had her heart set on one school forever and that school hasn't reached out to her yet. But I also know that she might have changed her mind on where she wants to go." Kylie said.

"Damn that's no help. Riley said something similar and that maybe her dream changed." I replied as Kylie nodded. "Yeah that basically sums it up." She replied.

After that conversation we all went back to getting ready for the dance. My worry was through the roof. The only real option I had for college was UNC but I didn't want to announce my commitment there without knowing where Riley was going to school. I would take one of my D2 offers instead in a heart beat if it meant that we would be closer together next year.

Once we all finished doing our hair we put our dresses on and waited for Riley and the boys to come. Lexi was going with Drew, Grace was going with the boy's defender Sal who she kissed during spin the bottle at one of our after parties, and surprisingly Kylie was going with Josh. If I still believed in the Riley and Josh rumors, I would find Josh and Kylie going together weird. But now that I know there isn't anything between Riley and Josh, I can see why Josh and Kylie fit together. They are both Riley's best friends after all.

When the door bell rang the four of us quickly ran downstairs to get to the door. When we opened it, we found Riley and the boys all standing there, the boys in their tuxes and Riley in her dress. They all held different color flowers in their hands.

Riley walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek before handing me a bouquet of red roses. "How did you know that roses are my favorite?" I asked. Riley laughed and shook her head. "I didn't know. Roses are my favorite and since I don't really know many other flowers I decided to give the roses a shot." she replied causing me to laugh at her ridiculousness. "Well I love them. Thank you."

Once the boys gave their dates their flowers we all walked over to the cars. Riley had her blue bronco, Josh had his black Mercedes, Drew had his white audi A4, and Sal was borrowing his dad's ford mustang. We all got into our respective cars and drove to the dance. On the drive there, Riley placed her hand on my thigh sending butterflies through me. As she drove she rubbed her thumb back and forth over the part of my thigh not covered by the dress. The only coherent thought going through my head was that I can't wait for her to take this dress off.

When we got to the school Riley parked the car before walking around to my door to open it for me. When she did, she held out her hand and I accepted it as she helped me out of the car. "What happens if I want to open the door for you?" I asked. She always did so many sweet things for me and I wanted to return the gesture. She simply just shrugged her shoulders before responding. "I don't know. This is my first relationship so I'm kind of just winging it."

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