The Grad Party of The Century

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Riley POV:

We all got to Josh's lake house around the same time. Everyone had gone home to change out of their caps and gowns and into something more comfortable. As I stepped out of my car with Harper, I saw that there was already a large crowd of people and music was blasting from inside the house.

"Holy shit Josh. How are your parents letting you throw a rager like this? I asked with a laugh.

"Um they aren't." He said as he stepped out of his car and shut the door. "So if they ask, only you guys were here." He said, referring to our group.

"Yeah good luck explaining that mess to them tomorrow." Drew said as he patted Josh on the back.

"Im hiring a cleaning crew dumbass." Josh replied.

"Sick so I can make all the mess I want!" Kylie joked.

"Absolutely not." Josh said with a laugh as he pulled Kylie into his arms. She giggled before giving him a kiss. I walked over and slapped the two of them on the ass.

"Hey!" They yelled in unison.

"Stop making out with each other! You're literally late to your own party Josh." I said with a laugh. I grabbed Harper's hand and led her inside as the rest of our friend group followed behind. The place was absolutely packed.

"I swear some of these people don't go to our school." Lexi commented.

"Yeah I haven't seen half these people in my life." Grace added.

"That's because some of them don't go here." Drew said.

"Why would you invite people who don't go to Scranton high, to a Scranton high grad party?" Harper questioned with a laugh.

"Hey stop complaining. The more people the better the rager. Now let's drink!" Yelled Sal as he held a fist up in the air. He stormed off towards the drinks and Grace quickly followed him to make sure that he didn't drink too much.

"I say we go play some party games." I said.

"Since when do you drink?" Harper asked concerned. I kissed her on the cheek to reassure her.

"Relax. I'm playing the games but only non-alcoholic drinks for me." I replied.

"Good. I need you sober for what we are about to do later." Harper whispered in my ear seductively. My face turned deep red with a blush.

"Riley I thought you wanted to play party games." Kylie teased when she saw my intense blush. I quickly whacked her in the arm.

"Let's go then!" Lexi yelled.

I started walking off but Harper grabbed my arm to stop me. I turned to face her.

"I'll meet you there in a bit. I have to go to the bathroom first." She said.

"Okay I'll see you soon." I said before giving her a quick kiss and walking off.

Harper POV:

Walking to the bathroom was like trying to walk through Times Square. Everyone was moving around and packed so closely together that I was getting bumped back and forth. I was almost to the hallway where the bathroom is when I ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry." I quickly apologized.

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you ran into me." A voice said with a mischievous tone. I turned to look at who it was. I rolled my eyes when I saw Keeley Jones. Last time I had saw her, she gave me a whole speech about how I was lucky to have Riley. She also admitted to hitting on Riley while we were broken up. It was safe to say, I don't like her in the slightest.

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