Say Yes to the Dress

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Harper POV:

It's now May and the weather is starting to warm up so Riley took the doors off of her Bronco. She drove with her hair up in a messy bun with a pair of sun glasses on. Her two curls were pulled out of the bun and were whipping around in the slight wind. 

I spent so long staring at her that by the time I looked away we were pulling into the parking lot of the dress store. Today we are looking to get our dresses for prom. With everything going on with Riley healing from her broken arm and all the stuff to do with soccer, we were doing things kind of last minute. Prom is on the 15th which is in two weeks. We basically need a miracle worker to get our dresses hemmed in time. 

Riley parked the car and took the key out of the ignition before turning to me with a huge smile on her face. "Ready?" She asked. "Of course I am." I said as we stepped out of her car. When we opened the door to the dress shop, the bell above the door jingled. A little old woman who I assumed was the store owner popped out from behind a rack of dresses. "Hello ladies. How may I help you today?" She asked in a sweet voice. 

"Hi we are looking to get prom dresses?" Riley said. The woman's eyes widened and she quickly pulled out her phone to look at the date. "Oh my when is the prom? You ladies are cutting it a bit close." She said.

"'It's May 15th." I replied. The woman let out a sigh at my response. "Let me see what we have left for dresses." She said before sauntering off to the other side of the store.

"We probably should've done this sooner." Riley said. "Well we were a bit busy with soccer and you had to heal from your broken arm anyways." I replied.

Riley smiled and shook her head. "Actually we probably should've started looking for dresses back in February." Riley said. The smile on my face fell slightly. I quickly looked away so that Riley wouldn't be able to see the change in my emotions. 

Riley and I weren't together back in February because I had made one of the biggest mistakes of my life and broke up with her. Looking back, I wish I had just listened to her instead of jumping to conclusions. I wasted months trying to hate her for not telling me about Notre Dame when I should've been with her. I never stopped loving her and I know that she never stopped loving me. The breakup did nothing but hurt us both.

Riley must've noticed that my mood had shifted because she took my hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze, urging me to look at her. She looked up at me with a whirlwind of emotions in her eyes before she sighed and placed her arms on my shoulders. My arms instinctively wrapped around her waist. "Don't blame yourself for that. I made mistakes too." She whispered. I nodded. "I know, but we wasted so much time hating each other. I love you so much Riley. I regret every second that I wasn't with you." I replied.

Riley gave me a soft smile before standing up on her tippy toes to give me a soft kiss on the lips. When she pulled back, I had a smile matching hers. "Don't worry about that. I plan on marrying you some day so we have all the time in the world." 

My smile grew even larger as my heart swelled with love. I leaned down to give her another kiss before breaking apart. As much as I wanted to keep kissing her, it probably wasn't the best idea to start making out in the dress shop. The poor old lady might have a heart attack.

Just then she came around the corner. "Unfortunately I don't have any dresses that will fit you honey. You're just a bit too tall for the few I have left." The woman said referring to me. She then turned her attention to Riley with a smile on her face. "But you however, I have a few dresses that would look beautiful on you. Come with me sweetie." She said.

Riley shrugged her shoulders as she followed the woman to the other side of the store and I followed closely behind. On the rack the woman had five dresses, but one specifically stood out to me. It was a gorgeous dark green dress with black lacing, the same shade as our soccer jerseys. It caught my eye immediately and I secretly hoped that Riley would pick that dress. I hadn't seen any of the design but Riley always looked good in green. Actually? She looks good in everything.

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