13 (Scream 2)

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Sidney turned her head to the TV again when Hallie changed the signal, showing the retrial of Adrian's case. She stood still and told Hallie to turn the volume up and listen with her breath held.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we find ourselves in a moment of profound significance, as we revisit the case of Adrian Boudet. In light of newly discovered evidence and a thorough reexamination of the facts, it has come to our attention that the initial judgment may not stand."

"Upon careful consideration of this new evidence, it is clear that there are substantial doubts about the guilt of Adrian Boudet. The court has a responsibility to ensure that justice is served, and when doubts arise, it is our duty to address them."

"After a meticulous and unbiased review, it is with great relief and a commitment to justice that I declare Adrian Boudet not guilty of the charges previously brought against him. The evidence presented today has cast reasonable doubt on the earlier conviction, and in accordance with the principles of our legal system, Adrian Boudet is to be released immediately."

"It is crucial to acknowledge the resilience and patience exhibited by Adrian Boudet throughout this process. While the wheels of justice may sometimes turn slowly, we must remember that their purpose is to ensure fairness and accuracy."

"I extend my sincere apologies to Adrian Boudet for any undue hardship endured as a result of this process. May this retrial stand as a testament to the enduring pursuit of truth within our justice system. Adrian Boudet, you are now a free person, and I wish you the very best as you move forward with your life. Court adjourned."

Sidney let a smile cover her face when she heard that Adrian is now a free man and will possibly go to Windsor College with her, Randy and Tatum. It has been a year since Adrian has stayed in prison and since then, Mrs. and Mr. Boudet have got a private investigator to prove Adrian's innocence from Billy and Stu's crimes.

And now that Adrian has been proven not guilty, she can't wait to see Adrian again.


"You can wait there and I go over there and tell them." Adrian said, looking at his friends from the distance as he walked side by side with Dewey who was limping.

"That'll be nice, Adrian. Thank you." Dewey said, smiling at Adrian who returned the smile and started walking towards his friends.

"This must be hell for you two." A blonde said, looking at Tatum and Sidney, the former narrowing her eyes at the blonde.

"I think they can manage themselves." Adrian said, making himself known as Tatum and Sidney turned their body to look at him, eyes widened.

"Oh look at that, the fourth victim is here." The curly brown haired woman said, smiling flirtatiously at Adrian who scrunched his nose in disgust and moved closer to Sidney. "So are you three coming to our little martini mixer tonight?" She asked, looking at Sidney and Tatum.

"A party?" Adrian asked as the blonde nod, turning his head to look at Sidney and Tatum. "A party." He repeated, disbelief shown on his face. "That's not gonna end well."

"Nothing will happen." The brown haired woman said, looking up at Adrian with eyes that he couldn't put a name on.

"Right..." Adrian said, dragging out the words and turned away from the woman to look at the guy that is watching the whole thing with amusement in his eyes.

Why does he look so familiar?

"I don't know, I think..." Sidney tried to say but was cut off by the black-skinned woman.

"We'll be there." The woman said, not looking at Adrian who is not hiding his glare at all. Tatum has to bite the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from smiling.

"Oh good, cause Sid, Tatum, we have our eyes on you. The Delta Lambdas are very sensitive to your plight and if you need anything just call. Bye!" The brown haired woman said, walking away as the rest of the 'Delta Lambdas' said bye as well.

"Are you gonna start to dress like that once you get in?" A man closer to Tatum asked, kissing up her neck, but pulled away when he noticed Adrian looking.

"I'll think about it." Tatum said before she turned her body to Adrian who looked at her in return with an arched eyebrow. Adrian didn't even get to defend himself when Tatum dragged him into a bones breaking hug, Sidney hugging his back, but without the bones breaking part. "We just saw the news telling us that you're a free man." She said, pulling away to look at Adrian who took a few deep breaths.

"That was yesterday. You miss yesterday's news?" Adrian asked, Sidney moving to stand side by side with Tatum so he could look at them easier.

"I was busy." Tatum said, looking at the man behind her with a blush.

"I was on a date with Randy." Sidney added, a small blush on her face.

"Understandable." Adrian said, before remembering the reason he came here. "Hey, Dewey is here." He said, watching as both Tatum and Sidney's eyes lit up.

"He is?" Tatum asked, not even waiting for Adrian's response before she was dragging Sidney with her when she noticed Dewey.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Adrian." Tatum's boyfriend said, holding out his hand for a handshake. "I'm Derek, Tatum's boyfriend."

Adrian takes the hand into his hand and shakes it, smiling softly at the man. "It's nice to finally meet you too, Derek."

"You know about me?" Derek asked.

"Tatum talked about you, but she never told me your name." Adrian said, turning his head to look at the two who have not said anything. "What about you two?"

"Huh?" The woman asked, finally being able to look at Adrian. "Oh, I'm Hallie."

"Nice meeting you Hallie." Adrian said, nodding his head before leaning towards her to whisper into her ear. "If something happened tonight, don't say I didn't tell you so." He whispered before leaning away to look at the man behind Hallie.

"Mickey Altieri." Mickey said, looking at Adrian as if he's a god or something, making Adrian blush with how intense his stare is.

"It's nice to meet you, Mickey." Adrian said, before stopping completely, looking at Mickey who has his eyebrows raised expectedly. "Mickey?" He let out, watching as Mickey's smile widened.

"One and only." Mickey said, opening up his arms for Adrian who instantly went into his arms.

"You two know each other?" Hallie asked, looking at Adrian who pulled away from Mickey.

"We met on the site." Mickey said, squeezing Adrian's shoulder.

Adrian didn't get to added on when he sees his friends approaching.

"Hey, are you alright?" Randy asked, moving closer to Sidney who shyly nodded at him. "Hey, Adrian. Nice to have you back."

"It's nice to be back." Adrian said, smiling at Randy who returned the smile.

"Who was that guy?" Mickey asked, moving closer to Adrian who let it happen.

"Deputy Dewey, Woodsboro's finest. What's he doing here?" Randy asked, wrapping his arm around Sidney's waist as she leaned against his body.

"He's worried." Adrian answered for him, crossing his arms.

"Wow, nothing like a funeral bringing the family together." Randy said, dodging the playful punch Adrian was sending him with a small laugh. "I'm gonna go say hi." He said, pecking Sidney's cheek before walking away.

"Chief Hartley said the girl was stabbed seven..." Mickey tried to say but was cut off by Derek.

"Drop it!" Derek said, narrowing his eyes at Mickey.

"This looks all too familiar." Adrian muttered to himself, rubbing his temple with a sigh. Already feeling the headache coming.

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