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A/N: The first Scream will be about Sidney and second will be about Adrian.


Adrian waits by the front gate of the school, leaning his back against the wall, and waiting for his two friends to make sure that they were okay after everything that had happened yesterday. He looked up when he noticed multiple reporters running towards a jeep. He stood up straight and walked towards them when he noticed Sidney and Tatum stepping out of the jeep.

"How does it feel to almost be brutally butchered?" Adrian heard a reporter asked making him send a look of disgust to the reporter who backed away from him at the sight of him.

"Leave her alone, will you? She wants to go to school, like everybody else." Adrian said, leading his two friend towards the school, pushing through the reporters. Adrian stopped when he noticed Sidney stopped walking and started approaching towards a familiar newsvan. "Sid?" He questioned, catching her attention making her turned her head to look up at him.

"Can you wait a sec... I need to talk to someone." Sidney said, walking towards the newsvan when Adrian nods.

Adrian stood beside Tatum, hearing his phone ringing in his pocket and took it out of his pocket, not answering it after he saw who was calling him.

"Who was it?" Tatum asked, looking at Adrian with clear suspicion on her face.

Adrian raised his eyebrow, placing his phone back in his back pocket. "Random number. Been calling me ever since this whole thing started." He answered, crossing his arms across his chest as he turned his head to look at Sidney and Gale talking. "I wonder what they're talking about."

"Where were you last night?" Tatum asked.

"Working." Adrian answered without looking at her. "You can ask Randy." He added, turning his body to look at her. "And then I passed by the police station because my home is close by."

"Where did you get those bruise?" Tatum asked again, narrowing her eyes at Adrian's casual demeanor.

"Friends visited Blockbuster and play fights with me, accidentally punching me in the process." Adrian answered, turning his head to Sidney and saw her fidgeting.

Adrian walked towards Sidney, Tatum trailing behind him, and wrapped his arm around Sidney's shoulders. "You okay?" He whispered into Sidney's ear.

"Nice welt." Tatum said before Sidney can respond to Adrian.

Gale ignores her, narrowing her eyes on Sidney and Adrian. More on Adrian. "The killer is still on the loose, isn't he? These murders are related."

"Let's leave, Sid." Adrian said, pulling her body towards the school using his arm around her shoulders and lead her towards the school.

"I'm sorry I mangled your face." Sidney said, letting Adrian lead her towards the school, ignoring Gale calling out towards her.


The trio make their way across the campus. Sidney leaning her body against Adrian, making herself comfortable at the arm that is still wrapped around her shoulders.

"Just relax. You're at school now. No one can get you here." Tatum said.

"But if it wasn't Billy it could be anybody. He could be here at school right now." Sidney said.

"Serial killers are smart by definition. They minimize their risk. They plan and pre-calculate everything. Showing up here would be like the most lame-brain move he could make." Tatum said.

"He promised me he'd be back." Sidney said, gaining a surprise look from Adrian.

"What?" Adrian uttered with astonishment, looking at Tatum for explanation.

"I wouldn't put too much stock in a psycho's promise." Tatum said, telling Adrian she'll explain it later.

They move up the front steps towards the main doors of the school. Adrian noticing the ghost masked figure at the top of the steps, noticing that Sidney has stopped as well.

Sidney moves out of Adrian's arm, turning around to find another ghost masked figure behind her as well, both of them tried to approach Sidney, but couldn't get far as Adrian punched hard on the one in front of Sidney.

Adrian heard a small groan coming from the guy on the ground, bending down to take off the guy's mask revealing one of his classmate. He stood up and looked at the other masked figure, who holds their hands up in surrender at his angry look.

Adrian shakes his head, throwing the mask back on the guy on the ground, gaining another groan from the guy as he had throw the mask right on his broken nose.


Adrian, Tatum and Sidney is at Tatum's locker, talking with each other. The two guys who tried to prank Sidney having been send to the Principal office.

"This is a mistake. I shouldn't be here." Sidney said, forgetting that she had not thanked Adrian for defending her. "Thank you for that by the way, Adrian." She said, gaining a small nod of acknowledgement from Adrian who stood behind her, just in case someone need a taste of his punch again.

"I want you to meet us right here after class, okay?" Tatum said. Her and Adrian have the same class today. Tatum looked over Adrian's shoulder and saw Billy in the crowd with her boyfriend beside him. "Shit, what is he doing here?"

Sidney turned around and saw Billy. "I bet he's pissed." She said, noticing Adrian moving closer to her, practically standing protectively over her.

"Just ignore him. You had good reason to think what you did." Tatum said as Billy and Stu approached the trio.

"Hi, Sid. Can we talk a sec?" Billy asked, focusing his eyes on Adrian when he noticed him standing protectively over Sidney.

"You know if I were accused of carving up two people brutally, I wouldn't have gone to school." Adrian said, feeling Sidney lean against his body.

"Hey, go easy, Adrian. He didn't do it." Stu said.

"He could've have a different phone to make the call." Adrian said, shrugging. Turning his head when he heard a scream, rolling his eyes when he saw a ghost masked student running down the hall, screaming wildly, groaning when Adrian put his foot out where the student is running, tripping him, standing up like nothing had happened and ran before Adrian could punch him.

"Why are they doing this?" Sidney said, looks like she now have a favor for Adrian.

"Are you kidding? This is like Christmas." Stu said, smile fading when Adrian turn his narrowed eyes away from the student to him.

Billy punches Stu in the side, gaining a groan from Stu. "You open your mouth and stupidity pours out."

"Sorry." Stu apologized to Sidney, when he notice Adrian looks like he wants to punch him as well making him back away from Adrian.

Sidney moves herself out from Adrian's arm and takes off down the hall. Billy instantly right on her back, Adrian was about to follow them when Stu stopped him.

"How about we let them talk, huh, Eddie?" Stu said, wrapping his arm around Adrian's neck, letting out a groan when Adrian elbowed his stomach, unwrapping his arm.

Tatum slams her locker shut as the bell rings.

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