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Sidney wrapped his arms around Randy as Adrian is getting fixed up behind them, close enough that he could hear them talk.

"That's the second time you've saved our friend group." Tatum said, placing her hand on Adrian's shoulder who smiled up at her.

"It's the least I could do." Adrian said, standing up when they finished fixing him up and started walking towards the others, Tatum going into Derek's arm. "Are you alright, Sid?" He asked, placing his hand on Sidney's back who pulled away from Randy and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you..." Sidney muttered into Adrian's neck, pulling away to look at Adrian who softly smiled at her. "I should be asking you that."

"I'm not a glass Sid, I'm not gonna break." Adrian said, wincing slightly when a bit of pain hit him on his face.

"It's ok to break." Hallie said, looking at Adrian.

"What's going on?" Dewey asked when Cotton and the Chief walked out.

"We're letting him go. We have got nothing on him." Chief Hartley said, looking at the bruise on Adrian's face.

"Gale. Enjoying the show. The cops are funny." Cotton said.

"What do you think you're doing?" Gale said.

"Waiting for my 15 minutes of fame." Cotton said.

"Don't do anything stupid Cotton, Adrian will kill you if you decide to do something stupid." Gale said.

Cotton looked behind him at Adrian, and found him staring at him. He looked back at Gale. "Gale, you were so instrumental in my freedom, are you having sudden character doubts?" He asked, turning around to walk out but not before talking with Sidney. "Sidney, if you change your mind."

"Come on, get out of here." Chief Hartley said.

"Sorry about that, what a creep! They're gonna take you somewhere safe." Dewey said, looking at Adrian and Sidney.

"What about them?" Adrian asked, looking at his friends.

"We think the killer, or killers, won't want them anymore." Chief Hartley said, joining the conversation.

"Can't they stay here at least? The more people the more protection." Adrian said.

"Or just lock us in jail for the time being." Tatum said, agreeing with Adrian.

"Will you two be fine with that?" Dewey asked, looking at Randy and Tatum and they nodded.

"Alright then." Chief Hartley said. "Follow me."

"Who's doing this Dewey, if not Cotton, then who?" Sidney asked, leaning her head against Adrian's arm.

"I don't know Sid but I'll find him." Dewey said.

"I think it's Mickey and Mrs. Loomis." Adrian whispered to the two, and Hallie left when she notice that it's something private.

"What make you say that?" Sidney asked, looking up at Adrian.

"It's just really weird that Mrs. Loomis would come visit me." Adrian said. "And Mickey acts too much like Billy and Stu combined."


"Are you ready for this?" Sidney asked, having said her goodbye to Tatum and Randy, not knowing how long they'll disappear for.

"Are you?" Adrian asked, turning his head to look at Sidney.

"The killer is after you, Adrian." Sidney reminded the brunette who nodded.

"I know that." Adrian said, letting a nervous chuckle.

"I'll be right here with you, Adrian." Sidney said, placing her hands on Adrian's shoulders who sends her an appreciative smile.

"And I'll be there for you." Adrian said, starting to walk towards the cop car with Sidney beside him.

"I don't know why I feel like this will be the last time I'll see you." Sidney said, entering the cop car when Adrian opened the door for her and entered himself after she made herself comfortable.

"What makes you say that?" Adrian asked, turning his head to look at Sidney.

"Just a feeling." Sidney said, shrugging as the car started driving. "Maybe you change Mickey's mind and run away with him." She said, smiling at Adrian who let out a small chuckle. "Would you do it?"

"I don't know, Sid..." Adrian muttered, looking down at his hands on his lap. "They're looking at me as if I'm the killer." He said, Sidney furled her eyebrows as she looked at him.

"I won't blame you if you did." Sidney said, placing her hand on top of Adrian's hand as they stopped at a red light.

Adrian smiled at Sidney before turning to the Officers. "So, where are you taking us?"

"If we tell you, we'd have to kill you!" Officer Richards said, gaining a laugh from the two.

"Don't live, don't tell!" Officer Andrew said, letting out a scream when the killer jumps up from the front and breaks through the drivers side window, slitting Officer Andrews' throat.

Sidney let out a scream, dragging Adrian closer to her.

Officer Richards gets out of the car where the killer kicks him in the head and slams his head against the car while Sidney and Adrian are trying to get out of the car. The killer comes through the front and pushes the very dead Officer Andrews out onto the street. Officer Richards jumps up with a gun in front of the car.

"Get out of the car you fucker!" Officer Richards exclaimed.

The killer slams the car into to drive, ramming in the car into Officer Richards as it causes the cop to land onto the hood of the car. The killer drives the car into the side of a car where it crashes against a wall in the middle of a construction site. Officer Richards' face is mushed into the car windshield while he dies with his gun in his hand.

Sidney and Adrian come up while holding their heads. Sidney looks up to see the killer still in the driver's seat, unconscious.

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