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Adrian leans his head on his hand, watching the tv with the others while trying not to fall asleep. He can see Stu glancing at him every few seconds from the corner of his eyes, and when he turned his head to look at him, Stu turned his head away and look at the tv. Acting like he wasn't staring at Adrian.

"Look, here it comes. Splat!" A teen said.

"The blood's not the right color. Why do they do that? It's too red." A different teenager questioned.

"Here comes another..." Randy said, glancing at Adrian who is watching the staircase every few seconds in case he missed Sidney walking down.

"Predictable. Knew he was going to bite it." A different teenager said.

"How can you watch this shit over and over?" A bored teenager asked, looking at Randy but was shushed by the boy.

"I wanna see Jaime Lee's breasts. When do we see Jaime Lee's breasts?" Stu said, not even concerned that Tatum is missing.

"Not until Trading Places in '83. Jaime Lee was always the virgin in horror movies. She didn't show her tits til she went legit." Randy said.

"No way." A boy said.

"That's why she always lived. Only virgins can outsmart the killer in the big chase scene in the end. Don't you know the rules?" Randy said, looking at everyone as Stu finishes his beer.

"What rules?" Stu asked as Randy snapped his head to him with widened eyes.

Randy hits the pause button on the remote and stands in front of the television, explaining. "There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie. For instance: 1. You can never have sex. The minute you get a little nookie– you're as good as gone. Sex equals death."

"Guess I'm survivin'." Adrian said, drinking his water gaining a small chuckle from the others and an amused smile from Randy.

"2. Never drink or do drugs. The son factor. It's an extension of number one. And 3. Never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, say I'll be right back. Cause you won't be back." Randy said as Stu stood up drunkenly.

"Getting another beer, you want one?" Stu asked.

"Yeah, sure." Randy said, a small blush appeared on his face.

"I'll be right back." Stu said as everybody ooohhs at him while Adrian let out a small laugh from under his breath.

"There he goes folks– a dead man. Wave bye-bye." Randy said, looking away from Stu when Stu winked at him before leaving. Randy sat back beside Adrian who is looking at him with a saddened look, and that tell him everything he needs to know about Stu.

Scary music fills the room. The party is reduced to the diehards in front of the television. Adrian had disappeared from the living room. Randy's gonna guess that the plan is starting.

"Look, here comes the obligatory tit shot." Randy said, shaking off the thought of the killers plan for this party when the phone rings. Everyone ignores it until it rings again. Randy stood up and walked towards the phone and placed it against his ear.

"Hello? Yeah..." Randy's face paled at what the other had said to him but caught himself before he could freak out. He remembers what Adrian had said to him and acted the best he could. "Holy shit." Randy dropped the phone and paused the movie, gaining protest from the others. "Listen up. They found Principal Himbry dead. He was gutted and hung from the goal post on the football field."

The room is filled with silence as the news sinks in.

Before two excited teenager breaks the silence. "So what are we waiting for?"

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