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Tatum and Adrian escort Sidney down the hallway, the same halls slowly beginning to empty as the school is clearing out.

"It was just some sick fuck having a laugh." Tatum said, shaking his head as Adrian wrapped his arm around Sidney's shoulders, pulling her closer to his body.

"It was him, Tatum. I know it." Sidney said, feeling herself relaxed as Adrian starts stroking her shoulder with his thumb.

"And we believe you." Adrian said, looking at Tatum pointedly.

"You are not to be alone again. Is that clear? If you pee– I pee." Tatum said making a small smile appear on Sidney's face.

Adrian wrapped his arm tighter around Sidney when Stu appeared behind them, gaining a confused look from Sidney.

"Is this not cool or what?" Stu said, turning his head to look at the three and stopping at Adrian and Sidney. "Hey, Sid, what happened?"

"For once, Stu, drop it." Tatum said, shaking her head.

"Okay, but whatever you did, the entire student body thanks you." Stu said, moving to Tatum and giving her a kiss. "And to celebrate this impromptu fall break, I propose we have a party. Tonight, my house."

"Are you serious?" Sidney asked in disbelief.

"A party when there's a killer runnin' around?" Adrian asked, and Sidney agrees with him.

"My parents are out of town. It'll be like my hurricane bash last year. Nothing extreme. Just a few of us, hangin'." Stu said, and Adrian instantly doubted that it will only be their friends.

"This could be good." Tatum said, warming up to the idea as she turned her head to look at Sidney and Adrian. "What do you think, Sid, Adrian?"

"I don't know..." Sidney said, looking up at Adrian when he didn't answer Tatum and saw him with his eyes narrowed on Stu. Did they get into a fight?

"Come on. Pathos has it's perks." Tatum said, trying to convince them.

"Remember, there's safety in numbers." Stu said, looking away from Adrian's dark glaring eyes.

"Yeah, okay... whatever." Sidney sighed out, giving in for her friends. A confused feeling appeared again when Adrian's arm tightened around her shoulders.

"Cool. See you guys tonight. Bring food." Stu said, running off the empty hallway.

"Are you gonna be there, Adrian?" Tatum asked, turning to look at Adrian who had his head turned back to where Stu had run off.

"Sure." Adrian answered simply, turning his attention back to Sidney and Tatum. "I'm gonna be your knight in shining armor." He said making Sidney and Tatum let out a small laugh.

"You already are."


Adrian led an old woman to a romance section, her smiling gratefully at him and Adrian walked off to give the woman her own privacy. He stopped when he saw Stu with Randy, who was stacking the video tape at a shelf.

Adrian approached them and take some of the video tapes from Randy's trolley and helped him, Randy sending him a small grateful smile at the help and being here so Stu won't tease him too hard.

"You coming tonight?" Stu asked Randy, glancing at Adrian for a second before looking down at Randy.

"Yeah, I'm off early– curfew you know." Randy said, glancing over Adrian's shoulder and saw Billy with two girls. "Now that's in poor taste."

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