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Sidney ran down the hall, rounding a corner, running smack into Billy. They collide hard with each other catching Sidney off guard, and scaring the life out of her. She was about to fall backwards, but Billy catches her before she could.

"Jesus, shit!" Sidney exclaimed.

"Hey, hey, it's just me." Billy said, frowning when Sidney quickly pulls away from him. "What? You don't still think it's me?"

Sidney took a deep breath, thinking about what Adrian had said before, shaking those thoughts away from her head. "No... I don't... it's just... Oh God, Billy, someone was there, someone tried to kill me."

"The police say I scared him off. It wasn't me, Sid." Billy said.

"I know. He called again last night at Tatum's house." Sidney said.

"See, it couldn't have been me. I was in jail. Remember?" Billy said.

"I'm so sorry... please understand." Sidney said.

"Understand what? That I got a girlfriend who would rather accuse me of being a psychopathic killer than touch me." Billy said.

"You know that's not true." Sidney muttered.

"Then what is it? Is there somebody else?" Billy asked.

"No..." Sidney said.

"Is it the sex thing? Am I being too pushy?" Billy asked.

"No, it's me, Billy. I need time. I'm still adjusting to my mom." Sidney said.

"It's been a year since she died." Billy said nonchalantly.

"Tomorrow. One year tomorrow." Sidney corrected him.

"When are you gonna let that go, Sid? When my mom left my dad– I just accepted it. This is the way it is. She's not coming back." Billy said, as if it's the same thing.

"Your parents split up. It's not the same thing. Your mom left town, she's not in a coffin somewhere." Sidney said sharply.

"You have to move on, Sid." Billy stopped her before she could walk away.

"I'm glad to know you're coping so well with life, Billy. But some of us aren't so perfect. Some of us are just trying to hold on." Sidney said, reminding Billy that Adrian had recently lost his parents as well. "I wanna see you try say all that to Adrian and see what happen." She said, walking into the girl's bathroom, leaving Billy alone in the hallway.


"She was never attacked. I think she made it all up." Sidney heard a girl said.

"Why would she lie about it?" Another girl asked.

"For attention. The girl has some serious issues." The first girl said. Sidney instantly recognized the girl as the one who had tried to get with Adrian, the girl who has never liked Sidney and had gained a punch from Adrian when he heard the girl talking bad about Sidney. Adrian treats everyone equally.

A toilet flushes and Sidney quickly jumps in a stall, hiding, just as the first girl got out of her stall.

"What if she did it? What if Sidney killed Casey and Steve?" The first girl said.

"And why would she do that?" The second girl asked.

"Maybe she was hot for Steve and killed them both in a jealous rage."

Another toilet flushes.

"What would Sidney want with Steve? She has her own bubble-butt boyfriend Billy."

"Maybe she's a slut just like her mom." The first girl said, as Sidney's face flatters from the stall.

"You're evil." The second girl said, giggling.

"Please, it's a common knowledge. Her mother was a trollop." The first girl said as the second girl got out of her stall, standing in front of the mirror. "She's the reason why I didn't get to sleep with Adrian."

"Cut some slack. She watched her mom get butchered." The second girl said, ignoring the last statement.

"And it fucked her up royally. Think about it. It makes perfect sense. Her mom's death leaves her distraught and hostile at a cruel and inhumane world, she's disillusioned, where's God, etc. Completely suicidal. And one day she snaps. She wants to kill herself but realizes teen suicide is out this year. And homicide is a much healthier therapeutic expression."

Sidney heart is pounding, jaw quivering, trying to not cry as she listen to them.

"Where do you get this shit?" The second girl asked.

"Ricki Lake." The first girl said, walking out of the bathroom with the second girl trailing behind her.

Sidney moved out of the stall, catching her reflection in the mirror. "Pathetic." She muttered, hearing something like someone calling her name. She spins around and checks out the bathroom, the doors to the stalls are all closed. She bends down and scans beneath them, looking for feet but found nothing.

Sidney turns back to the mirror when suddenly she heard a man voice calling out her name again. It comes from one of the stalls. She stands thunderstruck, eyeing the stalls thru the mirror. "Is someone there?"

No one responded until the voice talked again. "It's me, Sidney."

Sidney turns around, fear flooding her face. She eyes the exit door, then the row of stalls she must pass to get to it.

She checks under the stall again, but found nothing. She takes a step forward when two feet step down from a toilet onto the floor in the last stall. Sidney's face draws tight as the stall door begins to creak open. She bolts forward, making a break it, but slips on the wet floor, her feet flying out from under.

Sidney reaches out, grabbing a hold of a sink and saves herself from falling, she look at the ghost mask in the mirror coming for her. A hand grabs her shoulder as she slams her body through the exit door, narrowly escaping.

Sidney ran out of the bathroom screaming, not looking back.

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