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Sidney sits at a desk drinking a cup of water, sitting in a police station. She wears the Sheriff's jacket over her shoulders, waiting for Dewey to finish finding her dad. And at that exact moment Dewey approached her with an expression she couldn't read.

"Did you reach my Dad?" Sidney asked, looking up at Dewey as he shakes his head making her sigh.

"You're sure it was the Hilton?" Dewey asked, to make sure once again.

"At the airport." Sidney answered, just like she had told before.

"He's not registered. Could he have gone to another hotel?" Dewey asked.

"I don't know. I guess." Sidney muttered.

"We'll find him, Sid. Don't worry." Dewey softly said, Sidney giving him a grateful smile at the comfort.

"Thanks, Dewey." Sidney said, Dewey nodding and walking off to Sheriff Burke. Her attention was taken away from Dewey to Tatum, who approached her with a cup of water. She accidentally looked out the door where there's multiple reporters everywhere, and what she saw gave her chills.

Adrian is behind all of the reporters, his face somehow can be seen through the multiple flashes of the cameras outside the door. His face is blank of any emotions, just looking at her through the door. Though, she knew he can't see her through the door. She can't help but shivers, it's as if he can see her through the door. And when she blinked he disappear, like he was never there in the first place.

"Sid?" Tatum's voice break her out of her thought, Sidney looked up at Tatum who have a concern expression on her face. "You okay?"

Sidney nods, leaning back against the chair, fixing the jacket on her back. "I thought I saw Adrian outside the door." She answered after a silence has fallen upon them.

"Adrian? Isn't he still at work?" Tatum asked, remembering that Adrian is covering up for one of his friends. The friend in question has fallen into a cold fever, Adrian being the good guy he is, told the friend in question that he will cover his work for him until he gets better.

"I think so..." Sidney muttered, not sure of herself anymore. And when Tatum ask if she wants to go to her place, her only response is a nod.

Tatum looked up from Sidney to her brother, seeing him talk with the Sheriff about something. "Hey, Dewey. Can we go now?" She called out to her brother.

"Hold up a sec..." Dewey said, talking with the Sheriff more.

"Goddammit, Dewey!" Tatum exclaimed as her brother turned his head towards her, face red.

"What did Mama tell you? When I wear this badge you treat me like a man of the law." Dewey exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Deputy Dewey-boy but we're ready to go." Tatum said, rolling her eyes and turned her head when she thought she saw Adrian outside the police station but saw nothing except the reporters. The Sheriff's voice break her out of her thought.

"Use the back way. Avoid the circus."


The door from the side of the police station opens and Sidney, Tatum, Dewey, and a couple officers exit avoiding the horde of reporters that can be seen around the corner waiting anxiously at the front entrance.

"I'll get the car. Wait here." Dewey said, walking off to get the car.

Sidney rolled her eyes when she saw Gale Weathers and her cameraman approached her from the darkness.

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