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"Thank you for your time. We'll be ready for you in a second Hallie." Officer Richards said, walking with Derek.

"Okay." Hallie said.

"The men ask everything." Derek said.

"I'm gonna get some coffee, you wanna go with?" Hallie asked Derek, who shook his head. "You want some?" She asked the quartet, who collectively shakes their heads.

Derek sits down next to his girlfriend, leaning forward to look at Adrian. "How are you holding up, are you okay?" He asked Adrian who stayed quiet, looking to where Mickey is being treated, and when Derek turned his head to look at Mickey, he saw Mickey looking at Adrian too.

"You are not alone in this, Adrian." Sidney said, placing her hand on top of Adrian's.

"That poor girl." Adrian said, looking away from Mickey to his friends.

"Yeah, I know." Tatum said, placing her head on Adrian's arm.

"You know, Mickey could've been killed too." Adrian said.

"But he wasn't, he needs to realize that the 90's are no time to play here. Why would anyone go back into that house?" Derek said, rubbing his head when Tatum smacked his head.


"So, that's when I ran back into and that's where I met up with the killer. He cut my arm and then ran away." Mickey said, talking with the doctor and Dewey– as Adrian likes to call him.

"You're lucky there's no nerve damage, you'll have to take it easy for a couple of days." The Doctor said.

"He didn't struggle, nothing, I mean, you're lucky he didn't kill you." A cop said.

"Yeah, it's a real convenient for everybody." Dewey said.

"Excuse me." Mickey asked, turning his head to look at Adrian who is now talking with his friends.

"Nothing, it's just a shame that the killer got away so easy." Dewey said, turning his head, wondering what Mickey was looking at and saw him looking at Adrian.

"It's just a shame you got there too late, right after he ran away." Mickey said, looking away from Adrian with an unrecognizable look on his face.

"Yeah, it is." Dewey said.


"Do those guys have to follow you around everywhere?" Mickey asked, wrapping his arm around Adrian's shoulders. "What about Tatum? Sidney? Randy?"

"Sidney has one too, and they don't think the killer is gonna be after Randy and Tatum. Which is... dumb." Adrian said, letting out a sigh.

"What did the killer say to you?" Mickey asked, stopping when Adrian stopped walking, turning his body to look at Adrian.

"They said they wanted me." Adrian said, looking up at Mickey, his face changing when he noticed the look in Mickey's eyes before it disappeared when Mickey noticed him looking. "Mickey I don't know what to do."

"Are you... scared." Mickey asked, licking his lips nervously, scared that he had said the wrong thing, but Adrian only smiled at him.

"I was scared before too, and when the judge said I will be living in the prison for life. I was so scared that I thought I won't be able to see light ever again." Adrian said, letting Mickey pull him into a hug, burying his face deeper into Mickey's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around Mickey's waist.

"I'll be there for you, Adrian. I mean, I'll try to be there." Mickey said, feeling Adrian relaxed against him. His body is filled with guilt from what he is about to do, and scared from how Adrian will react when he announces that–

"Are you gonna be my knight in shining armor." Adrian asked, pulling away to look up at Mickey who smiled down at him.

"Of course, anything you want, my beautiful and handsome prince." Mickey praised, smiling wider when Adrian's face flushed a bright red.


"Hey guys, do you think Adrian would do an interview for my documentary?" Mickey asked, smiling teasingly at Adrian who sat down beside him.

"I would rather do a different documentary." Adrian said, instant regret filling his body when Mickey smirked suggestively at him.

"Oh really now?" Mickey said, leaning forward to look at Adrian straight in the eyes who turned away from him making him laugh. "Do you think Randy could be the killer?"

"If Randy's a killer, he would be himself, not Ghostface." Adrian said, turning to look at Mickey who slowly nod his head.

"What's up Sid?" Tatum greeted, smiling up at her friend as she leaned against his boyfriend.

"Hey." Sidney said.

"How's it going? Where are the secret service guys?" Mickey asked.

"Uh, over there." Sidney said, pointed at the corner where her and Adrian's service guys are talking with each other.

"And which one is Kevin Costner?" Hallie asked.

"The one on the left is Officer Richards, he's a Gemini, divorced with two kids. The one on the right is Officer Andrews, a Capricorn, single, but I think he's dating Adrian's guy." Sidney said.

"Really?" Hallie asked.

"Mhmm." Sidney said.

"What's on your mind Derek?" Mickey asked.

"I woke up this morning with this feeling and so I," Derek began singing, looking at Tatum. "just decided to myself, I'd hide it to myself."

"What is he doing?" Sidney asked, smiling softly.

"Uh, Top Gun, Tom Cruise, 1986." Mickey answered.

"When you walked into the room, I think I love you, I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of, I'm afraid that I'm not sure of, a love there is no cure for. I think I love you, isn't that what life is made of, so it worries me to say, I've never felt this way." Derek continues singing as the cafeteria is cheering while Tatum laughs. "I want you to have this." Derek said, giving Tatum his frat letters.

"Hey, isn't that a big frat no no?" Mickey said.

"Oh, that's a big no no, you see, you're not supposed to give your letters to your girl, no shape, no form. The brothers are gonna kick his ass, but it's tradition." Hallie said, turning to see Mickey looking at Adrian.

"It's tradition." Mickey said, thinking about doing the same thing with Adrian in his head.

"I wanted you to have this for protection." Derek said as Tatum kisses Derek.

Adrian suddenly looks down at his watch, eyes widening slightly when he notices the time. "I need to meet up with Dewey, I'll be..." He trailed off, looking up at Sidney who smiled knowingly at him. "You know what I was going to say." He said, standing up and gave Mickey a peck on the cheek before walking out.

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