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Adrian softly smiled, looking at his friends who was talking to themselves, he flinched when a lips landed on his cheek. He turned his head and saw Mickey with a cheeky smile at the horror on Adrian's face.

Mickey pulled Adrian from behind the big tree that would hide both of them, wrapping his arms around Adrian's waist. "Congratulations on graduating." He murmured, smiling into Adrian's shoulder before pulling away to look at Adrian.

"What are you doing here? You should be at home." Adrian said, looking around just in case someone decide to approach them.

"I am home." Mickey said, smiling fondly when Adrian's face flushed red.

Adrian smacks Mickey's chest, trying to get him to stop it, but he has a smile on his face. "Stop it." He said softly, placing his hand on Mickey's chest while the other is holding his diploma.

"But you love it." Mickey said, looking up when he heard an approaching footsteps coming their way and saw Adrian's friends coming from beside the tree. "Hey." He greeted, pulling away from his soon-to-be boyfriend as Adrian turned around to look at his friends.

"Hello Mickey." Randy said, wrapping his arm around Sidney's waist before looking at Adrian. "Adrian you have a magnet around killers huh?"

Mickey raised an eyebrow, looking at Adrian with confusion, not understanding what Randy had meant.

"First Stu, and then Mickey." Randy said, smiling cheekily at Adrian who playfully smacked his chest.

"Randy..." Sidney said, looking up at Randy who smiled down at her, giving her a kiss on the lips.

"It's true though." Randy said, shrugging.

"Stu had a crush on you?" Mickey asked, leaning against the tree with his shoulder.

"Yeah, they told me that while they're trying to find proof of my innocence." Adrian answered, smiling up at Mickey who returned the smile of his own.

"Are you two going somewhere after this?" Tatum asked, leaning against her boyfriend.

Adrian looked back at Mickey to find him smiling fondly at him. "Are we?" He asked, breaking Mickey out of his thoughts.

"We're going on an official date." Mickey said, wrapping his arms around Adrian's waist.

"Have fun on the date Adrian." Sidney said, hugging Adrian for a few seconds before pulling away.

"And make sure to wear condoms when you decide to have sex." Hallie added, giggling when Adrian's face flushed a bright red.

"Hallie!" Adrian exclaimed, turning behind him to look at Mickey who looked amused.

"What? I'm just helping you." Hallie said, full on laughing now, laughing more when Adrian started playfully smacking her.


The time has passed ever since the Windsor College, Adrian and Mickey have gotten together one year ago and is now living together at a cabin in the woods. Adrian, Sidney, Randy and Tatum still keep in contacts with each other.

Adrian was shocked when Sidney told him the story of her half-brother being the one who created the killings in the first place. Sidney had to kill him because her half-brother decide to kill her at the end, even though they have an agreement with each other.

That was all that had happened ever since Adrian and Mickey started living their life.

Adrian and Mickey started walking with each other towards their home that Adrian had found so they could stay together without getting caught by the cops. Dewey and his only family had helped him move his stuff into the house. And Dewey had also promised that he'll keep the secret of Mickey being the second killer for Adrian.

Adrian suddenly stopped walking when he heard a sob coming from the alleyway, he turned his head to look at Mickey and saw him looking at the alleyway as well.

"You hear that?" Mickey asked, looking at Adrian who nodded at him.

They started walking towards the alleyway and Adrian let out a small gasp when he saw a small boy in a dirty square box. He kneeled down and the boy instantly stopped sobbing, looking up at him with his innocent teary blue eyes.

Mickey kneeled down next to Adrian, looking at the paper in front of the box. "Romeo." He read what was on the paper, looking up when he heard the boy– Romeo– let out a cute giggle that made a smile appear on his face. "Should we adopt him?" He asked, looking at Adrian who is looking at Romeo with fond eyes.

"Can we?" Adrian asked, looking up at Mickey.

Mickey nods, smiling at Romeo and Adrian. "You two kind of look alike." He said, smiling fondly at Adrian who returned the smile of his own.


Mickey walked into the clearing with Adrian behind him, Romeo holding onto Adrian's neck with one arm while looking around the woods with confusion on his small face.

Mickey smiled when he saw the home he and Adrian bought together.

Nestled beneath a canopy of trees, the cabin exudes an air of tranquil seclusion. Crafted from weathered logs, its exterior weathers the passage of time with a rustic charm that harmonizes with the natural surroundings. Vines cling to the sides, adding a touch of wilderness to the structure.

A winding dirt path, softened by fallen leaves, leads to the cabin's welcoming doorstep. The front porch, adorned with a pair of rocking chairs and a small wooden table, invites moments of quiet contemplation.

Large windows, framed by wooden shutters, offer glimpses of the untouched forest beyond. The exterior seamlessly blends with the landscape, as if the cabin itself is an extension of the woods. A simple stone chimney rises from the roof, hinting at the warmth within.

Surrounded by a carpet of moss and ferns, the cabin sits in harmony with the natural terrain. The only sounds that break the silence are the whispers of leaves, and the gentle rustle of the wind weaving through the trees. This cabin in the woods becomes a haven of peace, shielding Adrian and Mickey from the outside world, allowing them to immerse themselves in the serenity of nature.

Mickey walked towards the front porch and opened the door for Adrian, who smiled at him and walked in after Adrian entered the cabin.

Adrian sat down on the couch, placing Romeo beside him. "Welcome to your home, Romeo."

"The Altieri home." Mickey added, hiding his smile as he walked into the kitchen to make Romeo some food, feeling the box moving inside his pocket.

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