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It's getting late and some kids were leaving through the front door, muttering stuff Adrian didn't care about as he waited beside Sidney, who had waited for Tatum for a while.

Sidney was about to close the door when Billy appeared, scaring her, feeling Adrian wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Billy? Jesus, you scared me."

Stu appears, pulling Adrian off of Sidney, pulling away when Adrian elbowed his side. "Dude. What are you doing here?" He said with a wink.

"I was hoping Sid and I could talk." Billy said, looking at Adrian who crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"About what?" Adrian asked, Sidney placing her hand on his arm to calm him down.

"You guys can go up to my parents room? To talk and... whatever." Stu said, smile fading when Adrian glares at him.

"Subtlety, Stu. Look it up." Billy said.

"It's okay. We need to talk." Sidney said, grabbing Billy's hand and leading him up the staircase.

Randy appears from the kitchen just in time to see Sidney and Billy disappear upstairs. "What's Leatherface doing here?" He asked, looking at Adrian and Stu, the former having a glare on his face.

"He came to make up." Stu said.

"There goes my chance with Sid." Randy said as Adrian wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

"Like you had one." Stu said, walking away, leaving the two alone.

"You'll have a chance with her, Randy, don't worry." Adrian said, making Randy turn his head towards him.

"Did you kill Tatum?" Randy asked lowly to make sure no one heard him.

Adrian shakes his head, looking around him to make sure no one's listening. "I told her to go get some help." He said, looking up at Stu on the other side of the room who is looking at them with intrigued eyes. "I don't know how long it'll take."

"What do you want me to do?" Randy asked, turning his body to look at Adrian.

"Play along." Adrian said, seeing Stu approach them at the corner of his eyes.

"What you two whispering about?" Stu asked, wrapping his arm around Randy's shoulders, pecking his temple.

"Why did-" Randy was about to ask why Stu had kissed his temple when Adrian spoke.

"Talking about the friend I met online." Adrian answered, looking up at Stu.

"What's his name again... Mickey... Altdieri?" Stu tried to remember, but still got his name wrong.

"Mickey Altieri." Adrian answered, shaking his head and walked towards the living room.

"Do you think Adrian like him?" Stu asked Randy and turned his head away from Adrian.

"Do you like Adrian?" Randy retorted making Stu turn his head towards him, spluttering. Randy shakes his head and follows Adrian into the living room, sitting beside him.


They're in a large, master bedroom with glass doors that lead out onto a balcony. Sidney and Billy stare at each other for a long moment, feeling awkward.

"So..." Sidney began.

"So... I'm sorry. I've been a selfish shit and I'm sorry." Billy said.

"No, Billy. I'm the one who's been selfish and self absorbed with all of my post traumatic stress." Sidney said, fiddling with her fingers.

"You lost your mom..." Billy said.

"But you're right, enough is enough. I can't wallow in the grief process forever and I can't keep lying to myself about who my mom was." Sidney said as Billy looks down. "I think in some weird analytical, psychological bullshit way I'm scared that I'm gonna turn out just like her, you know? Like the bad seed or something..."

"Oh Sidney..."

"Everytime I get close to you I see my mom. I know it doesn't make sense." Sidney said.

"Sure it does. It's like Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs when she kept having flashbacks of her dead father." Billy said.

"But this is life. This isn't a movie." Sidney said.

"Sure it is, Sid. It's all a movie. Life's one great big movie. Only you can't pick your genre." Billy said, moving closer to her and softly embracing her.

"I wanna let go. I do..." Sidney said.

"Shhh... everything's gonna be okay. I promise." Billy whispered tenderly.

Sidney decides to take the chance and kiss him long and hard. She breaks away after a while, out of breath. "Why can't I be a Meg Ryan movie?" She muttered as Billy nibbled on her neck.

"Shhh... it's okay." Billy said again.

"Or even a good porno." Sidney said as Billy pulled away to look at her with a shocked expression.

"What?" Billy asked.

Sidney stares at him, eyes full of lust. "You heard me."

"Are you serious?" Billy asked.

"Yeah... I think so." Sidney said, surprising herself with the confidence.

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