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"Why didn't you do anything when Gale had the gun?" Sheriff Burke asked the boy sitting in front of him, in handcuffs.

"I noticed that the safety of the gun is on, I didn't say anything because they will kill me on the spot." Adrian answered, turning his head to look at the one-way mirror, knowing that his friends are on the other side, listening to him talk.

"You punched two students–"

"Who was not fighting me back, and, have no weapons with them." Adrian cuts the Sheriff off before he can finish his sentence, turning his head to look at the Sheriff. "I've told you everything I know of their plans. Tatum was supposed to die when she goes to get the beer in the garage, Randy was supposed to die later on the spot, Sidney was supposed to die, like I had told you this."

"What were they going to do with you?" Sheriff Burke asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Kill me." Adrian said, shrugging his shoulders as the door opened behind him.

"Sir, they need you for something." A police officer said, looking at the Sheriff who is interviewing Adrian. "And Mr. and Mrs. Boudet wanted to talk to him."

Sheriff Burke nods, standing up and walking out the door, leaving Adrian alone in the interrogation room.

Adrian looks up at the ceilings, closing his eyes, letting out a sigh through his nose. The door opened again behind him, Adrian didn't open his eyes to look at the person who was sitting in front of him.

"I never thanked you for saving Tatum." Dewey said, voice quiet, snapping Adrian out of his thought.

"I couldn't watch her die." Adrian spoke, face still facing up at the ceiling. "I don't want you to blame yourself for her death." He said, leaning his head forward to look at Dewey and looked down at his cuffed hands. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier about this."

"What do you mean?" Dewey asked.

"I already knew of their plans before all of this, they told me their full plans after I finished work." Adrian said, fiddling with the cuffs. "Tatum might've noticed my bruise at that time, it was from Billy."

Dewey nods, watching as the door opened and stood up when Adrian's brother and sister-in-law came in, her pregnant stomach bigger than the last he had seen her. "Mr. and Mrs. Boudet." He said, nodding his head to them who softly smiled at him before turning their head to look at Adrian.

"Can we talk to him alone?" Christopher asked the Sheriff who nodded.

Dewey walked out the door and closed it behind him, meeting with Randy, Sidney and Tatum outside the door.

"Ace?" Marina's soft and comforting voice called out, sitting down on the chair in front of Adrian while her husband stood up behind her. "Talk to us."

"What is there to talk about?" Adrian asked, looking at his sister-in-law and brother. The only family he has. "I'm as involved in these murders as them. I'm guilty."

"If there's–"

"There's nothing you can do." Adrian cut his brother off, looking up at him with tired eyes. "There's no proof of me not killing anyone. They won't believe that I didn't kill Casey Becker and Steven Orth. That I was only the caller."

"All the Woodsboro will always see me as the killer, guilty or not." Adrian sighed out, closing his eyes.

"Not all of them, you'll still have us." Christopher said, leaning against the table to look at his little brother.

"And your friends." Marina added, smiling softly at Adrian who opened his eyes to look at her.

"Do you think they'll forgive me?" Adrian asked, hearing the door opening behind him but nobody entered.

"They believe that you did what you had to do to protect your family." Christopher said, helping his wife stand up from the chair. He rested his hand on Adrian's shoulder, firmly assuring him of his complete support before walking out of the interrogation room.

Sheriff Burke wrapped his hand around Adrian's arm, pulling him up and started walking towards the holding cell.


"Having thoroughly examined the evidence presented before this court, it is with great solemnity that I pronounce the following judgment. The defendant has been found guilty of heinous crimes including 1st-degree murder, kidnapping, criminal threats, and stalking. These actions have caused immeasurable pain to the victims and inflicted lasting scars on the fabric of our society." The Judge begin as Adrian leans back on his chair, already feeling the lost inside his body.

"Considering the severity of these offenses and the profound impact on the lives of the victims, the court finds it imperative to protect society from further harm. Therefore, the defendant is hereby sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. This sentence will stand until such time as credible and irrefutable evidence arises to suggest the defendant's innocence."

"Let it be known that this decision is not taken lightly, but with the understanding that justice requires accountability. The court encourages continued investigation and diligence in the pursuit of truth. May this sentence serve as a measure of justice for the victims and a deterrent for others who may contemplate such egregious acts."


Adrian picked the phone on his right, placing it against his ear and smiled at Sidney who returned the smile.

"You look good in orange." Sidney said, letting out a small laugh when Adrian did.

"You look happy." Adrian said, leaning back against the chair he is already used to for the past five months.

"Yeah, Randy finally asked me to be his girlfriend." Sidney said, smiling brightly just thinking about Randy as Adrian smiled softly at her.

"About fucking time." Adrian said exasperatedly, making Sidney laugh.

"Adrian..." Sidney said, shaking her head softly.

"How about Tatum?" Adrian decided to ask.

"She's fine, surprisingly." Sidney said.

"She's a strong woman." Adrian said, sighing. "And so are you, Sid."

"Thanks Adrian." Sidney said. "How's prison life?"

"It's not too bad." Adrian said, leaning forward to look at her. "Enough about me, where will you three be going to college?"

"We're thinking of going to the same college, Windsor College." Sidney said as Adrian nods.

"That's good to hear." Adrian said, smiling. "Now, let's hear what I've missed for the past five months."


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