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"Do you think he is dead?" Sidney asked, looking at the Ghostface in the driver's seat.

"I don't think so. He's still breathing." Adrian answered, eyes turning to look at Officer Richards. "Do you think he is dead?"

"Oh god, I think so." Sidney let out, turning to grab the door handles and tried to pry them open but couldn't. "How are we supposed to get out?"

"We're not, it's a cop car." Adrian said, Sidney banging on the windows trying to get anyway to get out. Adrian stopped her when he noticed the fence. "Look."

Sidney looked at where Adrian is pointing and noticed that the pole has put a hold in the fenced in area from the front to the back, she and Adrian begin to yank the protective fence down.

Sidney and Adrian yank the fence down successfully as Sidney crawls over to the front seat while the killer still sits unconscious. Sidney tried to get through the front passenger's door but had no luck.

"We're jammed up against a wall." Sidney said, looking over at the killer as her hand goes to the mask, ready to unmask the killer.

"Sid." Adrian's voice makes Sidney jump back, hitting her elbow on the steering wheel horn. She turned her head to look at him. "The killers wanted me, remember that. He will kill you on sight."

Sidney nodded and tried tanking the front driver's seat door handle but was unable to open the door. "I'll have to go through the window." She said and climbs out through the window as she slowly gets out while she climbs over the unconscious killer. She gets out successfully and tries to get Adrian out, but couldn't. "I can't, it's locked, you'll have to go through the front."

Adrian muttered a curse under his breath, but started climbing over the seat to the front anyway. "Oh, god..." He muttered under his breath, climbing over the killer and climbed out the window with Sidney's help. He stood up and fixed up his shirt, and ran onto the street. He peeked over his shoulder and his eyes widened when he saw the killer get out of the car, looking at them with a cocked head.


Sidney and Adrian ran into the theatre, the killer nowhere to be seen behind them.

"Hello? Gus?! Hello?! Gus?!" Sidney called out, when suddenly the music stopped, as a spotlight shines on Adrian.

"Hello?" Adrian called out, not expecting a set to come closing in on them. He pulled Sidney in front of him as they decided to head offstage where the set closes down, trapping them onstage.

The spotlight goes from Adrian to Derek's shirt that is hanging up. Adrian looks around as the lighting flashes where a hanging body drops behind Sidney.

"Derek!" Sidney exclaimed, running to her friend's boyfriend. "Derek?!" She slaps Derek to wake him up. "Derek!"

Derek awoke with a gasp, looking at Sidney and Adrian, who is standing behind Sidney. "Oh thank god Sidney, I thought I was gonna be up there until opening night."

"Oh shit, the killer is here. He killed the Officers, he's here." Sidney said.

"What are you talking about?" Derek questioned.

"The killer! He's here!" Sidney exclaimed.

"Where?" Derek questioned.

"Right here!" A familiar voice called out, changing the expression on Adrian's face as he turned around to look at where the voice was from.

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