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"I cannot believe it," Randy said, looking up at the tv playing the interview for the movie Stab. "they got Tori Spelling to play Sid, and they cast Joe Blow nobody to play me. At least you two get David Schwimmer and Matt Damon. I get the guy who drove the stagecoach for one episode of Dr. Quinn."

"I am played by Matt Damon?" Adrian questioned, looking at Randy with slightly widened eyes.

"Yeah, I guess they're going for an innocent kind of look." Dewey answered for the boy, who in turn raised his eyebrows at Dewey. "I heard it from somewhere." He added, shrugging.

"I'll wait for video. Ok, let's get down to business, the way I see it, someone is out to make a sequel, you know, cash in on all of the movie murder hoopla, so it's our job to observe rules of a sequel." Randy said, looking at the two in front of him. "Number one, the body count is always bigger, number two, the death scenes are always much more elaborate, more blood, more gore, carnage candy. Your core audience just expects it. And number three, never..."

"How do we find the killer Randy, that's what I want to know!" Dewey said.

"Well, let's look at the suspects. There's Derek, the obvious boyfriend, hello Billy Loomis!" Randy said.

"So you think you think it's Derek?" Adrian asked, turning his head to look at Randy.

"Not so fast, let's assume if the killer or ers has half a brain, he's not a Nick at Nite rerun type of guy, he wants to break some new ground, so forget the boyfriend thing, it's tired. Who else do we got?" Randy asked, looking at Adrian.

"Mickey." Adrian said.

Randy nods. "Mickey, the freaky Tarantino film student. But if he is a suspect, so am I. So, let's move on."

"Well, let's not move on. What if you are a suspect?" Dewey asked.

"If he's a suspect, you're a suspect, and I too will be a suspect." Adrian said.

"You've got a point, ok, let's move on to..." Dewey trailed off.

"Hallie." Randy said.

"Sid's roommate?" Dewey asked.

"Uh huh." Randy said.

"Typically, serial killers are white male." Dewey said.

"That's why it's perfect! It's sort of against the rules but not really. Mrs. Voorhees was a terrific serial killer, and there's always room for Candyman's daughter. She's sweet, she's bad for your teeth." Randy said.

"Come on Randy, these kids are your friends. Who do you think is the killer?" Dewey asked, turning to look at Adrian.

"Mickey is too fascinated by me." Adrian said, shrugging his shoulders.

"He's in love with you, Adrian." Dewey said.

"No, you don't understand. He is too fascinated by Adrian and his story, he's trying to interview me, Adrian, Sid and Tatum." Randy said, agreeing with Adrian.

"You know Mrs. Loomis visited me in prison." Adrian said.

"What?" Randy questioned, looking at Adrian with slightly widened eyes.

"We just talked about random stuff, but, every time she mentioned Billy, there's something in her eyes that looked familiar to Billy when he threatened me." Adrian said.

"Do you think she's here?" Dewey asked.

"The call did say they wanted me." Adrian said, shrugging.

"We have to be careful then." Dewey said.

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