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"You sure I can stay over? My dad won't be back til Sunday." Sidney said, talking to Tatum on the phone.

"No prob. I'll pick you up after practice." Tatum said through the phone.

"Tell your mom I said thanks." Sidney said.

"Yeah, yeah... look, are you okay?" Tatum asked, concern laced in her voice.

"Uh-huh, it's just... you know, the police and reporters... it brings it all back." Sidney said.

"I'll be there by seven. I promise." Tatum said.

"Thanks, Tatum." Sidney said.


Sidney hangs up and takes a seat at her computer and boots it up. She sits in front of it, staring at the blue screen, her own reflection staring back at her.


Sidney comes down the stairs, her arms carrying a change of clothes, toothbrush and make-up. She opens the hall closet and pulls a small overnight bag from the top shelf. Moving into the living room she loads it up, plopping down on the sofa, hitting the TV remote.

"The entire nation was shocked today by the teen mrders in North Carolina..."

Sidney switches the channels, trying to find something to watch.

"The State Bureau Of Investigation has joined forces with local authorities to help catch what the Governor has called the most heinous..."

Sidney switches the channel again, her finger froze when Gale appears on the screen, standing in front of the school.

"This is not the first time the small town of Bayboro has endured such tragedy. Only a year ago, Maureen Prescott, wife and mother, was found raped and murdered..." Gale said as an old black and white snapshot of Sidney's mother fills the screen.

Eyes frozen, mesmerized by the image. Sidney clicks the TV off, her eyes go to the clock on the end table.

5:43 PM

Her eyes then move to the framed photo next to it, the same black and white photo stares at her, a healthy and vibrant woman. Sidney curls up on the sofa, closing her eyes tight.


Sidney blinks her eyes open, awake from the phone ringing. She sit up and grabs the portable phone, placing the phone against her ear.

"Practice ran late. I'm on my way." Tatum said.

Sidney eyes the clock before answering Tatum. "It's past seven."

"Don't worry. Casey and Steve didn't bite it til way after 10." Tatum said.

"I'm not worried." Sidney said, lying through her teeth.

"Good, 'cause I wanna swing by Blockbuster and get us a video. I was thinkin' Tom Cruise in All the right moves. You know, if you pause it just right you can see his penis." Tatum said making Sidney let out a small laugh.

"Just hurry." Sidney said, shaking her head.

"Bye." Tatum said, as Sidney hangs up the phone. But it immediately rings again.

"Tatum?" Sidney questioned, wondering if she had forgotten something but the voice that had talked is not Tatum at all.

"Hello, Sidney."

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