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From the other side of the door, she can hear Randy begging for her to open the door, his fists pounding loud against the door. Sidney, stumbling in the darkness, rushes to the phone in the living room. Just as she reaches for it, it rings.

It scares the life out of her.

She screams, yanking it up. "Please! God! Help me!"

"Having fun Sidney?" The voice said. Sidney notices that it's much different from the one that had always called her.

Sidney falls apart, screaming. "NOOOOO!!!" She throws the phone down, disconnecting the call. Sidney moves back to the door. Randy's screams are maddening. She eyes the lock, deliberating. "GOAWAYLEAVEMEALONE!"

Sidney looks up the staircase when she hears a noise, eyes widening when she sees Billy stumbling down the stairs. Very much alive.

"Oh God. Billy!" Sidney exclaimed, meeting him at the landing, grabbing him, holding him. "I thought you were..."

"I'm alright. Gotta... get... help." Billy said, starting to walk towards the door.

"He's out there." Sidney said as Randy continued pounding on the door, screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Please, you gotta let me in. He's gonna kill me." Randy said through the door.

Billy walked towards the door but Sidney blocked him.

"No! Don't believe him." Sidney said.

"It's okay. Give me the gun." Billy softly said as Sidney handed him the gun. Billy turns and unlocks the door, opening it and Randy rushes in, grabbing Billy, pleading.

"Help me..." Randy said.

"Shhhh. It's okay." Billy said, trying to calm Randy down, not knowing that it was all an act.

"Stu's flipped out. He's gone mad." Randy said, looking at Billy and Sidney.

Slowly, a small smile creeps across Billy's face. "We all go a little mad sometimes." He said, aiming the gun at Randy and pulls the trigger. The blasts throws Randy's body against the wall before sliding to a heap on the floor, still. "Anthony Perkins, Psycho."

Billy turns to Sidney, who stands only feet away, face aghast. His eyes are on her, unmoving. He sticks his tongue out and slowly licks the blood dried to his face, tasting it. "Corn syrup. Same stuff they used for pig's blood in Carrie."

Sidney is dumbfounded as she slowly takes a step back, moving into the dark refines of the kitchen.

Billy lurches forward in a fake-out, baiting her. She takes another step back, shrinking into the dark kitchen until she moves right into the arms of Stu, and when she turns she notices Adrian beside Stu with a guilty expression.

"Stu, Adrian... please... help me..." Sidney begged as Adrian look down at the floor, eyes closed tightly.

Stu stares back at her, eyes wide, lips curled in a subtle smile as he holds a small compact cellular phone up to his face. "Surprise, Sidney." He said, a voice familiar to the phone she had heard from the call minutes ago. Not the one that has called her while she was at Tatum's.

Sidney looks back to Billy, then to Stu, then to Adrian, who is still looking at the ground. She stands between Stu and Billy, her mind racing, calculating then she bolts into the living room.

"Where ya going? It's not over yet. We've got one more surprise." Billy said, stopping her from going into the living room before turning to Stu. "Stu, I believe it's your turn."

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