3, 2, 1, Go!

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This will be a pretty large chapter, since I just want to keep all the fights in one chapter. Don't worry, I'm only outlining Bakugo's.

And don't mind the title, I was stuck so I devolved to those cringy shounen intros

Bakugo went back to his friends after, Deku trailing behind him, amazed at all the new things he was seeing. They didn't talk, Bakugo was not ready to be branded insane, but Bakugo enjoyed his presence.

"Bakubro." Kirishima looked relieved when he appeared- Shinso as well. Uraraka turned to shoot him a worried look, but he rolled his eyes, slipping back into his seat.

"I had to prepare before the 1 v 1's. I'm dedicating my wins to... a friend of mine, and I had to go prepare my heart, or whatever shit goes on with that kind of stuff." Bakugo explains.

Shinso shrugged. "So far I've dedicated all this to myself, but I can appreciate the sentiment." He said.

"I've dedicated this to my middle school self!" Kirishima declares.

Tetsutetsu, beside him, smiles sheepishly. "Mine sounds stupid now, but I've been dedicating this to my uncle." He said.

Uraraka burst into the conversation somehow. "My parents, so, if that's basic Tetsutetsu, what am I?" She pointed out.

Sero smiled. "I'm doing it for my little siblings. I got 5 of them, all younger than me." He said proudly.

Yaoyorozu smiled. "That's so cute Sero! I'm with Uraraka-Chan, this is for my parents."

"My Onee-San." Denki blushes.

"Same." Todoroki tells Denki. "For my Onii-Chan, wherever he is." He murmurs, and Bakugo smiles, like, seriously smiles at him.

Todoroki catches the look and smiles back.

'And I think if I was here I would be doing it for Oka-San!" Deku chirped, Bakugo sending him a look with a raised eyebrow. 'What? I wanted to fit in!' Deku whined.

Bakugo chuckled, turning back to his friends. "Well, I hope I'm able to verse some of you during the brackets. We will probably be stressed soon after this, so I'll take the opportunity to wish you all luck, not that I think any of you will need it." He said- surprising all of them.

"Thanks." Shinso nodded- though he had started to look uneasy.

Todoroki nodded at him and Tetsutetsu flashed him a thumbs up.

"I'll still beat you guys though." He deadpanned.

"Hmm... you and Todoroki happen to be in better moods after you guys were both gone. Is there something happening-" Uraraka started.

"No!" Bakugo all but shouted. "Eww, Kirby."

"But the bromance-" Denki trilled.

"The lovebird rivalry-" Sero added.

"I hate you guys." Bakugo deadpanned.

Soon enough, the 14 kids who passed were told to go to the middle to be shown their brackets, before given a little time to prepare before their first match. They all had the time between the start of the 1 v 1 events and their own matches to prepare, if they didn't want to watch.

Aoyama, Iida, and Tokoyami ended up joining up with 1A's large group- which then added on Shiozaki because Tetsutetsu and Kirishima felt bad.

They walked into the middle to the roaring of the audience, Bakugo feeling pride swelling in his chest, knowing Deku was floating around the stands somewhere.

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