He's Not That Dumb

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This will be a weird paced chapter, I've got the ending mapped out and can't wait to write it so all these chapters in between have started to condense in my mind.

If anyone is wondering about Bakugo's hero name, because I didn't explain why the sounds are different or anything, there's an explanation at the very bottom.

"Bakugo-Kun!" Uraraka's voice called out- causing Bakugo to sigh and turn around. Uraraka, "Bakugo-Kun!" Uraraka's voice called out- causing Bakugo to sigh and turn around. Uraraka, Kirishima, and Todoroki were waiting at the front gate for him and Shinso to get off the train. "Yo. This sucks- everyone is crowding us when we walk." He deadpans.

Shinso cringes. "It's kind of weird how I'm planning to go underground but people already know my name."

"And that you're not used to the attention." Todoroki added.

Shinso gained a tic on his forehead, and Kirishima sweatdropped. "Was that you bragging or something?" Shinso snapped.

Todoroki shook his head. "It was not meant for provocation. I'm not used to it either- no one really knew what I looked like even though they knew my name, so the festival was as much of a debut for me as for you." Todoroki defended.

Shinso sighs. "And you're the son of that ass. Sorry, I overreacted." He mutters.

"Look at us getting along!" Kirishima laughs sheepishly. "Either way, you guys are right, it is real weird. I got stopped like five times walking to school today." He inputed.

Uraraka nodded vigorously. "That was me too! I didn't think I'd ever get recognized, much less talked to that many times." She breathed out.

"You heard about Iida's brother though?" Denki appeared, Sero and Mina at his heels.

"Apparently he almost died." Sero added.

Uraraka gasped. "That's terrible! Really?"

Bakugo looked away from them, far away.

Deku had stopped following him, and now, Bakugo could only see him at the beach- sometimes rarely his headstone.

It was happy while it lasted, but Bakugo wasn't dumb, and Deku wasn't dumb. Bakugo didn't need Deku everywhere- no matter how much he denied that he wished he did.

"Katsuki?" Shinso's voice cracks through Bakugo's musings, and he moves forward.

"Let's get to class." He answers gruffly.

The seven of them get to class on time, just before Aizawa walks in- looking annoyed. "During Hero Informatics you will choose hero names, but currently we have more pressing matters. We are going through work experience nominations. Even if you don't have a nomination, you will be volunteered into an agency through the UA system." Aizawa said, as he drags in a cart full of papers. "Ojiro, Kaminari, get up here and help hand these out." Aizawa sighs.

Bakugo raises an eyebrow as Denki appears and positively slams down a stack at Bakugo's desk, and Denki sighs. "Wait, there's more." He deadpanned, picking up another stack from the cart and putting it on the desk as well. "Have fun, bro." He sighed, leaving.

"What the heck!" Uraraka explains as she turns around. "How are you going to get through all of that?" She whines.

Bakugo frowns. "Not sure. But they seem to be numbered by rank. I'll check the first ten or so pages and the others I'll ignore. " He decides, starting at the first page.

The class fades around him as he starts reading, more and more surprised as the list goes on. Best Jeanist was the first one- and although Bakugo would love to work with such a high ranker, it felt like they didn't match in terms of fighting styles. He needed a mentor that could work with close combat- or could challenge Bakugo with long range. Best Jeanist was a manipulator- so he used tricks that Bakugo did not like just to fight.

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