You're My Best Friend

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Finally! Sport's Festival! I've been waiting so long to write another action chapter it's crazy. Plus, after this, I've planned the Stain Incident, and then the end of this Fanfiction. I can't wait!

And, I know Bakugo ranked third in this race, but I don't care.

This chapter is a little shorter because I'm going by event.

がんばってね - ganbatte ne, meaning 'do your best' in Japanese
- bro that sukuna scene is where i got this knowledge from

うるさい - urusai, meaning 'noisy' in Japanese
- I literally thought it meant shut up, but it seems to commonly be used in anime in that circumstance, and I wanted to mix it up.

The last two weeks had been crazy. Not only did Bakugo somehow get into a friend group of eight, they also held study sessions (not much studying got done) and ate together during lunch. They all went to Starbucks once after school- which was crazy, so they stuck with sending Denki to pick up their online orders during study sessions at the library.

The day of the Sports Festival, Bakugo woke up early, ate, and then went to Deku's grave.

It was the closest to a subway in order to get to school, so he just hoped Deku would appear.

'Why didn't you go to the beach?' Deku complained, appearing in front of his headstone. He was now actively bleeding, closer to the time of his death than before. When the blood hit the ground, it disappeared.

Bakugo blinked. "Today's the Sports Festival." He murmured.

Deku's eyes widened. 'Ahh! Really? I thought it was next week!' Deku whined, looking around violently. 'Who are the contestants this year- oh, right. You guys.' It was silent for a few seconds. 'I bet you'll win Kacchan!' He suddenly shouted, throwing up a fist in the air.

Bakugo smiled. "You think so?" He asked.

'What are you, insecure?' Deku scoffed. 'Of course! You know what, I won't bother you during the festival, since I know you have lots of friends now, but I'll be watching you the whole time, kay?' He vowed.

Bakugo frowned. "You can bother me whenever you want, even if I have lots of friends." He says. "Your important to me."

'Really?' Deku's eyes were sparkling. 'Thank you so much Kacchan!' He cried, jumping forward to wrap his arms around Bakugo.

Fully expecting Deku to go through, he is surprised when he suddenly feels the weight of a very light ninth grader around his chest, and cold arms wrapped around his waist.

"You... can touch people?" Bakugo gawked.

Deku looked up. 'What do you mean? Of course I can't- AHHH!' Deku didn't let go, but stared at the space between them. 'I'm hugging you!'

Bakugo smiled. "Yeah." He muttered, returning the hug, tears running down his face as his throat burned.

After around two minutes of that, Bakugo said he had to leave, tears still freely running out of his eyes. He wiped them in earnest, hoping to be strong before going to school to brace against a mental breakdown.

'I'm sorry you have to cry over me Kacchan.' Deku murmured dejectedly.

Bakugo shook his head. "No, I should've been crying for you more." He said. "From now on, I will cry for you. You need somebody to cry for you. And come to me whenever. I'm sure my friends won't mind if I talk to thin air." He thought a bit, before adding one more line. "I'll win the Sports Festival this year for you." He grinned, hoisting his backpack over his shoulder and leaving.

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