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Two days later

  Without much luck in getting Miyu to eat, Byeol voiced her concerns to Seungmin. He ran a hand through his hair, as well as shrugging his shoulders. "All that knowledge and you can't get a human girl to eat food."

  "Yah, you were once human ya know?! You should be the one trying to get her to eat! Now get out of here and help Hyunjin look for her little sister." She flicked him from across the room.

  He mumbled under his breath, teleporting wherever he needed to go. The fairy sighed. "That boy never uses a damn door."

  She picked up the light-weight purple and blue gown she made, carrying it up to Miyu. With a soft knock, she entered the room and spotted Miyu laying down.

  Byeol set the dress on the end of the bed and carefully tapped her feet. "Miyu-ah."

  She slowly turned her head and sat up, greeting Byeol with a small nod.

"I made you a dress since you don't have any clothes with you. It's very comfy for just at home. Would you like to try it on?"

  Laying eyes on the dress gave her curiosity. Giving her a nudge to grab it and look closer, she was surprised at the silky soft material.

  It was dark purple and dark blue; which happened to be her favorite colors. She looked up at the hopeful Byeol, giving in to the temptation. "Okay. And... Could I have some soup?"

  Byeol smiled with a nod. "Of course. Would you like me to bring it to you or would you like to meet me downstairs?"

  Why is she being so kind?

  "I'll meet you down there. Thank you, Byeol."

  The child walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

  Did she really make this dress? It's insane.

  Pulling her sore and shaky body out of bed, she showered and began changing into the dress. As she had said, it was indeed very comfortable.

  After tying the corset part of the dress, she walked to the mirror in the corner of the room. She stopped dead in her tracks, seeing a completely different person reflecting back at her.

  Since losing some weight, her cheeks were a lot sharper, her chest had shrunk a bit, and her waist was a bit smaller. Dark eyebags caused her to look away, taking a deep breath.

  I do.. feel pretty though.. She thought to herself.

  She slowly crept out of the room, peaking over the railing. It was a relief to realize no one else was here for once.

  "Oh, I was starting to think you weren't coming down." She chuckled, placing two bowls of soup on the counter. "You look absolutely stunning. I'm surprised you aren't a model, if I'm being honest."

  Her cheeks grew a bit warm as she sat at the table across from Byeol. "Thank you."

  "I made this soup with my own grown veggies. Eat up!" She exclaimed with a melodic giggle.

  "That's amazing.."

  Despite the compliment, Byeol frowned. "What's wrong?"

  Miyu straightened her face and shook her head. "N-nothing." She took a bite of the soup, making sure to compliment it.

  "And on that note.. this dress... is unbelievably gorgeous. How long did it take you?"

  She shrugged her shoulders. "A day or so. It's not my best work but I appreciate it. I will make you plenty more as time goes on."

  "As time goes on." Miyu repeated in a mumble, stiring her food around. Byeol let out a sigh. "We will find Airi. I'll make plenty of dresses for her too. Is she the same size as you?"

Letting out a sniffle, she nodded.

Three days later

Miyu looked at herself in the mirror wearing a new, fully purple silk dress. She still struggled to keep food down, causing her cheeks and waist to be even slimmer than before.

"Ah, fits like a glove! Great! I made a matching one for Airi too! I hope she likes mint green!" She mischievously giggled. Miyu looked down with a chuckle, nodding her head. "It's her favorite color."

"Now, the soup is waiting downstairs at the table. I have some gardening to do so come out to see me when you are done. I have something to show you."

Miyu nodded and agreed. Managing just a few bites of soup like normal, she cleaned up her mess before walking into the sun of the back yard.

Not seeing Byeol anywhere, she began walking further into the garden.

"Wah.." she spoke in awe, lightly touching a beautiful purple-ish red flower.

"That is a flower breed mixed of Red Violet and a Lavender Iris. Isn't she pretty?" Byeol picked one, tucking it behind her ear. She plucked a second, pulling the girl closer to tuck it behind her ear.

"It's very pretty. Did you make it?"

Byeol nodded. She continued to show various types of flowers and plants she breeded to make anew. Finally, she stopped at a large, shiny black stone. "Miyu, place both of your palms on the stone."

Doing so without much question, she started to feel a little silly. Looking over to the child, she was surprised to see her eyes closed as she took deep breaths.

"Don't look at me like that."

She looked away, confused as Byeols eyes were still closed. "Looking at you like what?"


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