Chapter 38

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My eyes slowly open and I sigh realising that it's Monday morning, I fall back onto the pillow and groan dramatically.

After a 20 minute rest and hesitation to get up, I walk into the girls room and wake them up.

"Time to get up my lovelies" I say and they jump straight out of bed and run into the kitchen.

"How do they do it?" I ask myself and rub my eyes then stumble into the kitchen.

I make the girls some breakfast then lay out their clothes for the day.

After we all finish breakfast we go into the bathroom and clean our teeth together.

"Go get your clothes on then I will do your hair" I say to them and they go back into their bedroom.

I go back into my room and have a quick shower then put on my clothes for work. I do my makeup and hair then gather all of the stuff I'll need for the day.


After another 20 minutes or so we finish at the house, I drop Macey off at Jenna's then take Wynter to school and make my way to work.

Taylor's Pov

I'm so bored, Georgia's at work so I can't go to her house, Wynter is at school and Macey is at Jenna's so I can't do anything with them. And they are pretty much the only ones I want to be around.

I've played ps4 and got sick of it after half an hour, the same thing with the Xbox. I just don't know what to do.

"Maybe the guys will come over" I say to myself and take out my phone.

I invite the boys over and see if they want to make a video together for YouTube. Since I haven't made one in a long time.


They all pile in at once, the Jacks, Cam, Aaron, Matt and Carter. Nash is with Jenna, Hayes is busy and Shawn is touring.

Throughout the day we make our videos and catch up. But the whole time I couldn't get my mind off of Georgia.


When the boys go home I lay on my couch and watch some TV. After scanning through the channels I drift off to sleep.

Georgia's Pov

I open the front door and the girls run inside. I hear them call out to Taylor and I smile.

I drop my stuff on the counter and walk up behind Taylor who's cooking something on the stove.

I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his back.

"Hey baby" he says and I smile them move next to him to see what he's cooking.

"I don't know what it's called, I saw a video online and it looked really nice, thought I'd make it for us for dinner" he says and I smile.

"I'll make a salad for us to to go with it as a side dish" I say and wash my hands under the tap.

I pull out a bag of spinach leaves from the fridge and take a handful of it then place it into my salad bowl. I cut up a tomato into little squares then do the same with a purple onion. I then add some grated cheese and carrot then I add some salad dressing and mix it all around. I add some salt and pepper then set it on the counter where Taylor is preparing the food.

"It smells so good babe" I say as he places the four plates on the table.

I get four cups and fill them with water and place one next to each plate as Taylor does the same with the knives and forks.

After we finish dinner, we watch a movie together then put the girls to bed.

Taylor and I walk into my room. I walk into my bathroom and undress and start the shower.

As I am about the step in, I see Taylor open the bathroom door and peeps his head inside.

"Come here" I say and step into the shower.

I step under the hot water and feel my muscles relax.

I look over quickly at Taylor when he steps in, then I close my eyes and let the water hit me.

My stomach fills with butterflies once he moves closer to me. He wraps one arm around my waist, I look up at him, he looks down at my body then back into my eyes.

"You're so beautiful" he says as he caresses my face gently.

I press my body against his and his leans down to kiss me.


That's it for this one guys! Sorry it's a bit short.
This part will be continued in the next chapter though so don't worry ;)

Love you guys xx

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