Chapter 44

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"Taylor I need to talk to you about something.. I-" I'm cut off by Taylor,

"I know babe, you're stressed about planning the wedding" he kisses me on the forehead and jumps out of bed and walks into our wardrobe.

"Actually, that's not-" He cuts me off again,

"Georgia, you don't need to worry, we've got this, and the wedding isn't for months" he reminds me as he throws his shirt over himself.

I sit up in the bed and he walks over to me, he puts his hand against my cheek, I wrap my arm around his wrist and lean agains his hand.

"Taylor, that's not-"

"Daddy!!" Macey calls from her room,

"Hold that thought, Macey needs me" he says and quickly leaves the my sight.

I sigh, then get out of bed, and put the comfiest clothes on that I have.

I make myself a cup of coffee then sit at the bench, thinking about how I should tell Taylor about my dream.

Taylor walks into the kitchen with the two girls, I smile and hop down from the stool.

"Good morning my babies" I say as they run into my arms.

"Good morning mummy" Wynter mumbles into my shoulder.

"So you girls have school today, daddy will make you girls a quick breakfast so tell him what you guys want" I kiss each of their foreheads and help them up on to the stools.


After I choose the girls outfits and get their bags and lunches ready, I dress them and do their hair.

"Time to go my three beautiful girls" Taylor says as he grabs the car keys.


We drop Macey off at daycare then Wynter to her elementary school.

I don't know if this is the right time to tell him what happened, should I tell him? We're in such a good place right now. For once there's no drama, what if this causes a fight?

"So I've been meaning to tell you something.." I mumble,

"Oh! Before you do, I just got idea for a place to have our wedding, since you don't want to have it at the beach" he says and I smile, keeping my eyes on his face.

"We should have a garden wedding!" he says and I laugh,

"I'll think about that one" I smile.

"Do you have to work today?" he asks,

"No, but I just need to-"
"Well I was thinking about going to Cameron's and making a video, I haven't made any in ages, I need to start putting more stuff onto the Internet, I don't want people forgetting about me just yet" he says,

"okay, so about him-"
"ooh! we could totally do a video about-" I finally crack and interrupt him,

"Taylor! I am trying to tell you something right now! You've been cutting me off all day!" I yell and he keeps quiet.

"Okay, it's not that big of a deal, but last night... I had a.. dream, I was walking down the aisle, there was a guy standing next to the priest, I thought it was you, but it wasn't. It was Cam. And after the wedding, stuff went down.." I avoid his glare once the car stops in our driveway.

"And that's why you woke up really..-"
"yep" I answer before he finishes his sentence.

There's a very long silence, I keep my head down, because I can feel his eyes burning through my skull.

"Was it detailed?"


"Did it feel real?"


"Are you still hung up on him?"

"What? No! Taylor don't be ridiculous!"

"I'm not being ridiculous! That's how I see this! Do you miss him? Or miss the sex or something? You must do if you're dreaming about it!" His voice grows louder,

"Taylor, I don't miss him. It's probably just wedding jitters!"

"Georgia our wedding isn't for months" he says dissatisfied.

There's another long pause, I don't know what to say to him.

"This just brings everything back up you know? How you left me, how you made a new life with him-"

"How I left you? How I, left you?!" I yell,

"Taylor you cheated on me! Maybe I did leave you, but I wouldn't have had to if you didn't get jealous over my best friend and get too drunk to know what you're doing!"

"So you're still mad at me for it?" He asks, the sadness soothes through his voice.

My frown disappears, "it's just something that I can forgive, but still be slightly angry about you know?" I pause,

"But I love you too much to let you go Taylor, and I can't lose you again. That dream meant nothing to me, I love you so, so much" I've reached my breaking point, I let the tears come through, I cover my face with my hands and sob.

He doesn't say anything, which leads me to believe that he's given up, and I sob louder and harder, but I feel his hand touch my back, he rubs slowly and comforts me, I look up at him, he's still watching me, a tear drops from his eye, he looks away and wipes his tear stained cheeks.

"This isn't over, we, aren't over Georgia. I just, think I need today to think about it" he says and I nod, I open the car door and slide out.

"I'll pick the girls up, I'll be here to drop them home" He says then pulls out of the driveway.

I walk inside and immediately call Jenna, I invited her over so that I'm not alone all day.


"Honestly, I wouldn't even worry, he'll get over it, it's just a dream" Jenna assures me,

"Yeah but, he said it brought back the memories of when I was with Cameron, when I, left him, his words not mine. And I basically said I'm still angry about when he cheated on me" I tell her,

"Oh, well, I still don't think you two will end, you're basically soul mates"

"I used to think we were soul mates, now I'm just not too sure."

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