Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Good news for you but sort of bad for me. There is this thing at school called the planning room, it's bad, and I got sent there today by my bitchy teacher. I literally walked into class and she said "Go to the planning room" it was my first time ever and I was freaking out. The school sent my mum a text and told her. So now I'm grounded. Which means I'll be writing a lot more because I won't be doing anything on the weekend. Yay! Anyways! Have fun reading! It's a bit short, sorry about that 

:( Anyways, I hope you like it!! :)


"We should think of some names" Taylor suggests while we lay in my bed, my head rested on his chest and his arm around my back. "I think that it's gonna be a boy, but we need to buy boys and girls clothes, just in case. And are we going to use the spare room as a baby room? Or are we going to have our own apartment? We need to start thinking about this stuff" I say, "We can go look at apartments one day, one close to both of our houses, it can be small but fancy, a pool, nice bathroom with a bath for the baby and a spa for us, it'll be perfect" Taylor says an I smile at his suggestions. "We should start writing some of the stuff we need on a list then go shopping together one day, it doesn't have to be straight away, we have about six months until the baby is due" I tell him. I get up and get a book and a pen, I sit back on the bed next to Taylor and he sits his hand on my thigh. I start writing down all the things we will need to buy. "Have you been for an ultrasound yet?" Taylor asks, "I thought I would wait for you to be home before I went" I admit and he smiles at me, "I can book you an appointment at the hospital tomorrow?" He suggests, I look at him and smile. "That would be great thank you".

We go to the hospital the next morning for an ultrasound, I sit next to Taylor in the waiting room, he puts his hand on my thigh and I put my hand over his. I lean towards Taylor and whisper, "I'm a bit scared" Taylor squeezes my thigh softly, "I'll be there with you, don't worry about it" he tells me and I nod.

"Georgia Caniff?" I female voice calls out, Taylor and I stand, I look over at him with a questioning look, "I couldn't help myself" he tells me and I chuckle. He takes my hand with his and we walk towards the doctor. She takes us to a room. "Take a seat there Georgia, your partner can grab that chair over there and bring it up next to you, or he can stand" she says and points to the chair. I take a seat on the bed and Taylor gets the chair and brings it next to me. "Georgia I need you to lay back please" the doctor motions me to lie down and I do what she says. I start shaking a little; Taylor puts his hand on my arm which soothes the shaking a little.

"How long have you known that you have been pregnant?" The doctor asks, "Well, I found out about more than two months ago, but I had a feeling that I was pregnant before that, I skipped my period and got cramps and felt nauseous out of nowhere, I bought a few tests, one said negative, one said positive, so I went and got a blood test and they said I was definitely pregnant" I tell her and she nods. "Have you been for an ultrasound yet?" She starts writing stuff on her computer. "Umm no I haven't, my partner, Taylor, was away before I found out I was pregnant and came back yesterday and I wanted to wait for him" I say confidently and look over at Taylor and smile.

The doctor stands up and grabs something from a cabinet, "This will be a little cold, I need you to lift your shirt just so your stomach is showing" she tells me and I do what she says.

She rubs some sort of jelly on my stomach and makes me looks at the tv screen. "That's your baby there" she points at the screen. I look up at Taylor and smile. I take his hand with both of mine and bring the back of his hand to my lips and kiss his hand for a second. "I'll give you two some time" the doctor says and heads to the door, but before she leaves she stops at the door, "Before I leave, did you want to find out the gender?" She asks, "No thanks, I'd like to keep it as a surprise" I tell her and she nods then walks out the door.

"That's our baby" Taylor says, I look up at him and smile, he looks down at me and does the same, then he leans in and our lips connect for a few seconds, "You're gonna be a daddy" I say, "And you're gonna be a mommy" he looks back up at the screen.

Once we are done at the hospital we head off to go to see the real estate agent to look at houses.

"I wonder what type of accent he will have, stronger American or stronger Australian" I say, "He?" Taylor asks, "Well I have a feeling that the baby will be a boy, and I also want a boy" I tell him, "I'm hoping for a baby girl, but I will be happy either way" he tells me. "I think Jordan would be a nice name for a boy" I tell Taylor. "And if the baby is a girl, we can call her Wynter" he says, "Why Wynter?" I ask and look over at him, "Well, I was thinking about this last night, it's Winter now, and I found out about you being pregnant yesterday which was in winter. I thought Wynter would be a nice name for a girl" he tells me with a smile on his face, "I like it, if it’s a boy, he can have your middle name as well, and if it’s a girl, she can have mine" I add and he nods, "Done" he says.

Once we get to the house that the agent told us to meet her at, Taylor turns the car off and we step out. "Hi, I'm Jenny" she says and shakes both of our hands, "This is the house I'll be showing you today, I made sure it had everything you wanted, come take a look inside" she says and motions us to the front door, "It already looks beautiful" I say and Jenny smiles. Taylor wraps his arm around my shoulders and we walk inside.

"Okay so it's one story, there's three bedrooms, a kitchen, laundry room, two bathrooms, dining room, lounge room, movie room and a storage room" she says and I gasp, "That's more than what we asked for" I say, "Wait till you see outside" she tells me.

She shows us around the house, it's actually pretty big for a one story, after she shows us the whole inside of the house, we go outside, there's a big pool and a tree house that the baby could play in, a big patio and backyard, this place is so perfect.

After we are done we go back out the front. "I'm pretty convinced that I want to buy it" Taylor says making Jenny and I laugh. "It's absolutely beautiful, I love it" I add. "I think we'll take it" Taylor says and Jenny adds, "That's great, I can get paperwork ready yeah?" She asks and we both nod.

After talking about everything a bit more we thank her and drive back to my place.

"We didn't need to confirm that we were buying it that quick, we have six months remember?" I tell him, "Yeah but, we need to buy new furniture and all that stuff" he says and I nod, "Right".

 "When will we start buying furniture? And is everybody going to help us?" I ask, "We will start buying right away, I will go to the shop with the boys and start buying furniture and stuff tomorrow" Taylor replies, "Hey! I need to go to! We are sharing this house so I need to buy stuff to!" I say and Taylor laughs. "I have a feeling you won't give up on this so I guess that's okay, and you can buy some things" he says. "We can split it fifty fifty so it's fair" I demand and he laughs. "Fine"

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