Chapter 2

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After I clean my teeth and brush my hair, I hop into my bed, put my phone on charge and swipe through all the photos from today with the boys with a big smile on my face. While I am looking through them I get a text from Taylor; *hey, just finished smack-camming, I hope you haven't gone to bed yet so I can talk to you*

Me: *Yeah I am here, how was smack-camming?*

Taylor: *A bit violent, we all got hit a few times and then Aaron made a truce, then he got hit so we had to make another, now I have a big red mark on nmy face*

Me: *It's like world war 3 with you boys*

Taylor: *Yeah, so what did you do after we ended facetime?*

Me: *Just got ready for bed, that's all*

Taylor: *Wish I could have joined you ;)*

Me: *So cheeky!! :P ;)*

Taylor and I text for hours but it feels like minutes, he gave me all of the boys numbers so I can talk to them. Tay and I ended up texting till 1AM. Last text saying; *See ya soon x ;)*

I woke up laughing of the sound of my alarm going off, it's Cam saying I woke up like dis over and over with a beat. I sat up quickly and checked the time. It's 10:23AM. The boys will be here at 10:30AM. OMG how did I sleep in? Oh right, texting Taylor till 1AM ohaha that was smart.

I quickly jump up and get undressed and have a quick shower. Then hop out and get dry. I wrap the towel around myself and tuck it a bit so it stays in place; I straighten my hair and put a tiny bit of makeup on. I walk back into my room and find Taylor sitting on my bed. I jump a little. "My bed isn't even made!" I yell and hit my forehead with my hand. "You look pretty, where are your clothes?" He asks, "I haven't gotten to that yet, I was doing my hair and makeup and showering. And I got up seven minutes before you were meant to be here" I say and he stands up and walks towards me, my chest rising with excitement. "Can you drop that towel for me?" He asks, "Taylor! Remember? We were going to take it slow" I say, "I know, but looking at you won't hurt will it? It's just looking" He walks closer. "I have ways of making you Georgia, you will do it" he says seductively. He moves a lot more closer until our bodies are touching, he starts kissing me heavily, how does he do it? It's so hypnotic. He moves from my lips to my jaw then to my neck, "Don't leave any marks" I sort of moan and he nods while kissing my neck. His hands slowly move up my arms leaving goose bumps, once he reaches my shoulders and started tugging at my towel, once it dropped, he slowly moved back to look at me. After a few minutes he responded. "You are so beautiful" He says, I sort of stand there awkwardly completely butt-ass-naked with him staring at me. "Umm thanks I guess" I say. "Want me to help you find something to wear? Dibs finding panties!" He says and I laugh at him, picking up my towel and wrapping it around myself.

"How far have you been with a girl?" I ask randomly "Not all the way, not even completely naked" He answers. Thank god. That is a relief. "Why is that?" He asked, "Well I have never really liked the idea of being with someone who has already gone all the way, for my first time anyways" I say honestly. "Oh, fair enough, I feel the same way to, all my ex's already had gone the whole way so why use used property right?" He says and I nod.

"I like these panties, wear these" Taylor says, handing me my laced panties. "Okay" I say and put my legs through the leg-holes. "Wait" Taylor said and I stopped, "What?" I asked, "Can I put them on for you?" He asked, "You want to dress me?" I asked him questioningly. "Well when you put it like that it sounds childish" He says and I laugh at him. "I don't think so Taylor" I say and pull them up. I put on my high-waisted black and white striped leggings with a short black shirt. I hesitate to put on shoes but then put on a pair of black sandles.

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