chapter 3

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Shubman's pov

I came back to the company and went inside my office and called Miss Alia she came inside miss Alia when is the meeting with the kishan's?? And miss Alia said sir we have half an hour before the meeting starts i said okay and we both went to the kishan's company

We reached there and went inside the office and my PA asked about the meeting at the reception and the receptionist talked with someone on the phone and took us to the elevator to reach the CEO office

Soon we reached the floor and started walking to the meeting room while walking I heard someone talking well in a gentle and sweet voice but i didn't turn back and went inside the meeting room and the CEO pranav Kumar Pandey stood up and we exchanged our greetings

Throughout the meeting I couldn't let go of the thought of the sweet voice I heard while coming here I've never felt intrigued by a voice this ever I didn't payed attention to the meeting but then I heard my PA calling me and I snapped out of my dreamland uff come on shub stop thinking about that it's not like you will hear that voice again scolding myself I shrugged the thoughts off

The meeting ended and we sealed the deal with the kishan's company and I stood up along with my assistant to go but I heard Mr. Kishan saying how is your father mr.shubman? And I turned around and asked do you know my father Mr kishan? And he said of course why would I forget my childhood friend childhood friend!? That means is this that kishan uncle that dad talks about every time? Uncle perhaps are you Mr. Kishan from Patna? Uncle chuckle and said yes shubman I'm that kishan from Patna now this makes sense

Btw shubman tell your father to give me a call when you reach home and here is my number uncle gave me his number and we went back to the company and i signed some papers and it's already night so I went home.

I had dinner with everyone and i remembered that uncle kishan gave me his number so I said dad your friend mr.kishan gave his number to me and told me to inform you to give him a call dad was surprised and said kishan?like kishan from Patna?omg it's been so long that I've met him how did you meet him ? I said that I met him in the meeting and I gave him the number and went away to take some rest

I lay on my bed and closed my eyes but for some reason
I couldn't sleep I was tossing and turning around and still couldn't sleep the sweet voice is still ringing in my ears due to that i couldn't sleep arghhh!!! Shubman get your shit together and sleep you have to go to office tomorrow and I closed my eyes tightly and i didn't know when I slipped into deep slumber

Ishan's pov

I was in my room completing some work after dinner and i went to bed to sleep and closed my eyes to sleep and i couldn't i think some music will help me to sleep so i put on some music and closed my eyes again the sleep isn't coming

I closed my eyes tightly but no I'm seeing the image of the tall man's back i saw today he is quite good from back wish I had seen his face uh oh come on Ishu you are going over board now it's not like I will see him again

But i couldn't sleep so i sat up and got off the bed to the study table and opened my book and started doodling with the pencil and I don't know why I drew that man's shadow i couldn't get the image of him out of my mind

But i couldn't sleep so i sat up and got off the bed to the study table and opened my book and started doodling with the pencil and I don't know why I drew that man's shadow i couldn't get the image of him out of my mind

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(Something like this)

Why do I feel so intrigued about a man like this it never happened to me. I looked over to the wall clock showing 1:00 am oh nah gwadddd I need to sleep right now or else I will be late to college tomorrow

I went to bed and closed my eyes with some music playing in the background and soon drifted into sleep
To be continued
I know this chapter is short and you guys are waiting for them to meet but hehe it will take some time

I know this chapter is short and you guys are waiting for them to meet but hehe it will take some time

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Forgive me if there are any grammatical mistakes

Thank you for reading

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