chapter 19

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It was one week after the incident. Everyone is busy in their works occasionally meeting ishan to make him forget the incident. Ishan took leave for a week after the incident and today he is going to college. Shubman kept a body guard to ishan. Ishan didn't protest. He was in college going to his class when he heard voices, he looked around to see everyone whispering and murmuring things. He bowed his head down and went to his class.
On the other side shubman made a call to Ishan's bodyguard hello... Krish makes sure you are there with him all the time when he is outside don't let anyone come near hi if he isn't comfortable with them update me if anything happens. He ended the call and sighed. He was worried not for him and his reputation, he was worried about his darling. That big baby is so upset from the day that incident happened. He thought of an idea and went back to his work.

Time skip

Ishan's classes or ended. He said bye to his friends and made his way out of the college and when he stepped out he eyes went blind because of the flashes. There were paps  in front of him with their cameras and everyone is asking too many absurd questions. Krish saw this and ran him and started pushing everyone out of his face. Ishan's body started shivering, his hands are sweaty and his lower lip wobbled he is so close to cry, with palms on his face he covered him from the blinding lights. Krish and ishan made to the car and went inside hurriedly and closed the door.

People started banging on the car windows to get his attention. The driver started the car and they speed off. Ishan burst into tears crying loudly. Krish and the driver don't know how to calm him. Krish was about to call shubman but ishan stopped him and said no don't call him t-take me to the ICT academy please kr-rish Bhaiyya. Krish was feeling bad for that small boy beside him but ishan shubman sir will be angr- ishan cut him off no he will not please krish sighed and nodded and told the driver to take them to the academy.

They reached the academy and ishan hurriedly off from the car followed by a worried Krish. He went straight towards the dressing room. Everyone except Rohit because he went to the meeting room is enjoying and talking after practice they were startled by the loud bang of the door. Everyone turned their head towards the direction. Ishan saw the first person near him is Rahul. He ran to him and hugged him and started crying loudly. Everyone got worried looking at him they all gathered around him. Ishan! Ishu baby what happened ishan didn't answer but continued crying. Krish said umm sir when ishan was coming from college......he narrated the whole incident to them. And everyone cursed the media in anger.

Rahul hugged him and patted his head. While Virat sat beside them comforting the younger. Rohit was done with the meeting coming towards the dressing him heard loud cries he couldn't help but shiver cause he knows the person without wasting time he ran to the room. Everyone saw Rohit there ishan lifted his head up to see Rohit there. With a vulnerable voice and tear stained face he lifted his hands up to Rohit bhaiya....rohit ran to him and hugged him. Ishan started crying more. Everyone said what happened to him and Rohit shook in anger.

Virat asked krish.. does shubman know this? Everyone turned their heads to krish cause they know how shubman will react. Krish was nervous umm ishan didn't want me to inform shubman sir about this he gulped visibly. Virat took his phone immediately and called shubman.

Shubman unaware of what happened immersed himself in his work until a phone call interrupted him. sighing he answered his phone.

Hello Virat Bhai..

Shubi.. come to our academy right now.

But Bhai what happened.

Shubi not now bhacha I will tell you everything once you are here

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