chapter 25

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The next day they both woke up early because they slept early yesterday. Ishan was in the bathroom doing his morning routine while shubman sat on the bed and opened his phone to see hundreds of messages from the WhatsApp group. Curiosity kills shubman he opened the group and started scrolling.

He smiled when he looked at the photo of his and ishan sleeping. He mentally thanked abhi for that, continued scrolling shubman couldn't help but laugh at the texting between everyone about siraj bhai's savage and shamelessness. Ishan came out of the bathroom to see shubman laughing while looking at the phone. Curiosity killed ishan too so he went towards shubman.

Shubi why are you laughing? Shubman flinched at the sudden voice but he smiled looking at ishan.

Look at this love he showed ishan his phone. And ishan started scrolling first, his face broke into a smile looking at their picture and next his heart swelled in happiness reading the comments and next his face flushed in pink colour due to embarrassment of siraj bhai's statement and next he laughed out loud reading the whole chat.

Shubman smiled and laughed along with him. After a few minutes shubman went to freshup and ishan sat on the bed and he started scrolling his Instagram when a message from an unknown number popped up on his screen

Curious are we? And why did you block me little one??
I'm hurt :(

Ishan was scared. Now it was the same person who texted him the other day. With Shakey fingers he texted back

Who are you? How do you know my number?

Aww you wanna know me ?? Soon ishan soon wait for me

What do you want from me?

Oh I want nothing from you ishan I wanna ruin you and your husband well soon to be husband's life like he did to me.

Ishan was literally shaking when he got to know that person is trying to hurt his maan.

No no who are you ? Why are you doing this to us

What do you want from shubi?

What did he do to you ?

Hello reply you damn it!!!

No reply came back frustrated he texted again and again to see anything from the other side but that person was never responding. Shubman came back and saw ishan was shaking. He ran to ishan abandoning his towel there.

Ishu.. baby what happened why are shaking like this shubman hugged ishan to calm him down.

N-nothing shubi just feeling tired ishan lied to shubman for the first time and he felt bad, he didn't want to talk to shubman about this because he is already dealing with a lot of things right now.

Shubman was not convinced but he let it go this time and hugged ishan more tightly and comforted him.

Shubi... Ishan whispered slowly in shubman's embrace.

Hmm.. he hummed in response indicating ishan to continue.

Do you have any enemy like from business or from the past.. ishan asked in uncertainty filled voice. Shubman furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Why was he asking like that ?

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