chapter 6

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Mr. kishan and Mr. Gill started explaining how they got the idea of the proposal

Flash back :

            Both the friends are in the restaurant They were sitting and chatting about what happened in their lives when they got separated and they were telling about their sons Mr kishan said my Ishu is just like a baby he is sweet and sensitive and Mr gill said obviously I've never met him but I talked with him he is just a joyful kid always making everyone happy around him

Mr. Kishan said I've met shubman the other day he is so calm and confident i like him so much he is well mannered too and Mr gill said he is not like that pranav he used to be cheerful but after college he became like that he never talks much never attends any function he became distant while learning how to be a good son for us but we miss our baby alot sensing the sadness in his voice mr.kishan patted his shoulder

Mr. Kishan said  I don't know when this will happen but we can't send our Ishu to someone else's house once he is Married we just can't live without him for a day and hearing that mr. Gill said I know how it feels to be honest I'm quite worried about shubman's marriage life too he never says he liked someone I'm thinking that I should find a match for him. Maybe the marriage will bring my baby back and Mr. Kishan also nodded thinking something

He said lakhwinder why don't we make them marry eachother? Mr. Gill said what?how ? I mean will they like eachother? And mr.kishan said we don't know that but we can try shubman is a great guy and he will take care of my baby and obviously you guys will take care of him and Mr.gill said ishan is such an obedient child he will surely take care of my shubman and both of the father's was happy with their decision and decided to tell everyone about it

Flash back ends

So here they explained everything everyone is happy with their decision and starting talking but our prince and pocket Dynamo was in their deep thoughts

Ishan: *thinking* I too don't want to leave you all dad you guys are my everything I'm lucky to have you papa i didn't know that you love me this much I'm sorry for the troubles I've caused you papa and yes I'm gonna agree to this marriage because my happiness is yours and about shubman I don't know but I will try to learn about him and make him happy *thinking about everything ishan got tears in his eyes*

Shubman : *thinking* i didn't knew that i became this distant from everyone I'm sorry maa papa and di I hurt you guys without even me knowing I'm sorry papa to make you feel like this i didn't knew I'm drifting from you guys I've thought how to be a good child but in that process you lost your child but from now on I will make you guys happy I promise and I will agree to this marriage and I will learn to love ishan although im starting liking him I will make him happy i promise

Seeing both ishan and shubman's silent figures everyone's attention was on them and they saw tears in ishan's eyes so worried his father said ishu Mera bhacha kya hua ? Kyun ro rahe ho beta ? And hearing that ishan stood up and went to his dad and hugged him tightly and started crying everyone got worried seeing the big baby crying like that and shubman became numb seeing ishan crying like that honestly it started hurting his heart seeing that sunshine in tears tho he didn't know anything about him and yes they met an hour or two ago but that little ball of sunshine already make a place in his heart

Ishan didn't say anything and kept crying due to over whelming emotions and after some time he stopped crying and said im sorry everyone I made you guys worry and everyone shaked their heads and shubman's mom said arey beta it's nothing don't apologise for that and ishan smiled and looked at shubman

Shubman saw ishan smiling he sighed in relief and saw ishan was looking at him and they both got lost in eachother and everyone saw the ongoing eye contact competition with amused looks. Virat and Rohit went behind both of them sneakily

Virat whispered in shubman's ear shubi?? Is ishan that beautiful?? And shubman dreamily nodded his head and Virat controlled his laugh and asked again do you want to marry ishan shubi?? Shubman eagerly nodded his head

Here on ishan's side Rohit asked ishan Ishu baby ?? Shubman is handsome na?? And ishan in trance said yes Bhai very handsome and Rohit asked again do you want to marry shubman and ishan nodded his head and said yes Bhai now and hearing that everyone laughed out loud

Both of them came into reality and became embarrassed of their behaviour and they got to know that they exposed themselves in front of everyone

So the elder's are happy to know that they both are liking eachother and shubman's father said shubi and ishan so both of you what is your decision? Do you guys wanna get to know eachother?? And everyone was eager to know the answer so ishan lowered his head and said yes I would love to and everyone smiled and looked at shubman waiting for his answer shubman looked at ishan and said yes and hearing that ishan lifted his head up and looked directly in shubman eyes. Everyone cheered and both the mother's hugged eachother happily

Ishan and shubman both got lost in each other. Both their hearts are beating fast and ishan looked away blushing and shubman loved that reaction and ishan had a small shy smile with blushing cheeks and shubman's face broke into a small smile looking at him

Both of them are eagerly waiting to know each other and to start something new. This is the turning point of their lives. Let's see what the future holds for them
To be continued
also our own ICT

Men in Black 🖤They look like a bunch of mafia and business men straight out from a fanfiction

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Men in Black 🖤
They look like a bunch of mafia and business men straight out from a fanfiction

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