chapter 13

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This whole month passed like winds. Now there are three more days for the engagement and everyone got busy with the preparations. Shubman is working late nights to complete his work before taking a break for the engagement and ishan was working on a painting project. They arranged the engagement in shubman's backyard with a few close people from both of the families sides

Shubman was in his office working, he got a call from his father he answered the call

Shubman : hello papa??

Shubman's father : hello beta am i disturbing you?

Shubman : no papa

Shubman's father : the thing is shubi take ishan to select your engagement rings.

Shubman : okay papa I will take ishan

Shubman's father : okay beta take care

Shubman : ji papa bye

He ended the call and he called ishan. Within a few seconds ishan answered the call.

Ishan : hello!! Maan!! Hi!!

Shubman can hear the excitement in his voice and he can already imagine the joy and happiness radiating from ishan and not to forget that gummy smile of his. He chuckled and said

Shubman : Hii my little darling what are you doing

Ishan : I'm working on a project maan why did you called did you miss me hmm??

Shubman : oh I miss you a lot my baby I called you because papa wants us to go and select our engagement rings

Here ishan blushed hearing the word engagement oh how much he is excited to become shubman's partner

Shubman : hello darling are you there??

Ishan came to his sense and said

Ishan : y-yeah maan I'm here yes we can go now

Shubman : okay Ishu be ready I'll come to pick you up from college and darling stop blushing

Ishan widened his eyes hell how did he know I'm blushing here thought ishan while seeing left and right to check if shubman is here anywhere.

Shubman : now stop looking everywhere I'm in my office baby I'll see you soon darling take care

Shubman said ending the call with a. Dimple smile he knows ishan too much for ishan's liking.

Time skip

Shubman reached ishan's college and called ishan saying that he is outside his college. A few minutes later he saw ishan running to him. Worried he rolled down the window and waved his hand telling him to slow. But ishan didn't listen and reached the car. He got in and shubman closed the window glass and locked the doors.

Ishan gave a hug to shubman and he kissed ishan on his cheek. Ishan blushed and looked away. This got shubman smiling. Shubman started driving and they reached the mall.

Shubman put a mask and cap because he is one of the top most business man and seeing ishan with him could bring too much disturbance to them and he doesn't want anything which may hurt ishan.

Ishan asked why he is wearing a mask and cap, he said it's for their safety and ishan nodded and they both went inside the mall. They reached the jewellery shop.

After an hour passed they selected their rings shubman payed the bill and they went away. It's already afternoon and they both went to a restaurant.

They both sat in a private area and a waitress came to them (a/n : are there no waiters available?) And she saw the heir of gills Empire and started showing her flirty side
Hello~ sir what would you like to have and someone is not liking the way the waitress is talking to shubman and that time he isn't aware of his unknown emotions now he can't let that witch woo his husband nuh uh honey shubman is still going through the menu unaware of that witch

Ishan placed his hand on shubman's hand and said in a sweet voice maan please come and sit beside me na I'm feeling alone here . Shubman felt hot all of sudden at the heat gaze ishan is giving him and that hand of ishan is doing something to him. He got up abanding the menu and his chair came to Ishan's side and sat beside ishan.

Ishan now placed his hand on shubman's thigh and he sucked up a sharp breath oh boy control shubman ishan is not doing it intentionally how naive of you shubman to think that little devil is doing it unintentionally

And ishan turned to the waitress and said while glaring at her me and my husband will have butter chicken and garlic naan you can go now the waitress was shocked and gulped at the warning glare and hurried away excusing herself.

Ishan smirked in victory at her reaction serves her right that witch really thought she can flirt with my Maan never and he really forget that shubman is here and his hand is still on shubman's thigh.

Shubman watched ishan with amused look on his face
He didn't know why ishan reacted like that but a thought striked his head perhaps he is jealous?? Oh my darling is jealous of that waitress aww NGL he is hot when he is jealous shubman leaned into ishan's ear and whispered
Darling as much as I love you doing this but right now it's not helping baby and ishan got into his sense and realised what he is doing and take off his hand from shubman's thigh and looked away embarrassed.

Sor-ry Maan i -i wa-s a-m I mean he started stuttering and shubman laughed a little and said it's okay baby don't be nervous I'm just pulling your leg. And held ishan's hand in his and ishan looked at shubman. Shubman brought ishan's hand to his mouth and planted a soft kiss on the back of his hand.

They both got disturbed by the waitress placing the food on the table and scurry away so as not to tick that pocket looking Dynamo more. Shubman controlled his laugh seeing her practically running away from his little darling and ishan looked down with embarrassment

They both started eating and after they finished they payed the bill and went outside. Shubman started driving towards ishan's home. They sat in silence no one is uttering a word. Soon they reached ishan's home. Ishan hurriedly got out of the car and started going towards the door. Shubman got out and ran to ishan and hold his wrist to stop him.

He pulled ishan close to him and said are you angry on me darling? I'm just kidding Ishu please don't be mad at your maan giving puppy eyes to ishan. Ishan was in aww looking at shubman giving him puppy eyes no he is not angry with him but he is shy and embarrassed that's why he is running away from him

Ishan caressed his face I'm not angry with you shubi I'm just shy and embarrassed that's it and kissed him on the cheeks. Shubman smiled and hugged him. They hugged eachother for few minutes and said bye to eachother.

Shubman let go of ishan and said and darling you're so hot when you are jealous ishan's eyes widened and he ran away before saying shubi!!! And shubman laughed out loud at his reaction and went to his car and drove off to his company.
To be continued

I saw a video of the worldcup final match and man their dejected faces still hurts me (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

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I saw a video of the worldcup final match and man their dejected faces still hurts me (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

But anyways here is the update for you guys

Thank you for reading

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